Regardless of when you are listening to this podcast, it’s a great time to make a fresh start. But I’m not talking resolutions. Did you know a single word could change your life? In this episode, I talk with Darren Dake, a dream-tender who’s making it happen in his world of emergency services and law enforcement training. The founder and host of CoronerTalk™ podcast, Death Investigator Magazine, and the Death Investigation Training Academy, he’s also a national speaker and author in his own right. Darren understands that some of the most powerful ways to support your dreams come from the simple—though they are not always easy.

Darren starts this show off by saying, “Resolutions are for losers.”

He’s not trying to offend, but bluntly stated, he’s sharing a statistical fact—90% of resolutions are not followed through with. They represent hope more than reality. A simple One Word focus however, guides every decision you make. It’s a funnel you live life through. In the beauty of its simplicity, a One Word provides clarity.


Some of Darren’s One Words have been: structure, growth, and no. Over the years, each of these areas of focus have helped him build his business and tend his dreams.

But as Anita has discovered, not every One Word means exactly what you imagine when it first comes to mind. When Shine came to her, she didn’t realize it meant she would need to concentrate on shining a positive light in spite of some very difficult circumstances. The next year, Rise was the word she felt she was supposed to keep in mind. Anita assumed this meant she would rise past the adversities of the previous year, not yet understanding that she would need to rise above even more challenges.

But in each of these cases, Anita’s One Word provided a boost of fortitude and determination, helping her remain clearer and calmer, as she navigated the unexpected. The deeper definition of our words often provides greater inspiration and motivation. One Words help us move past the distractions of life and to get back our momentum after an interruption we didn’t count on. 

Anita believes practicing a One Word focus has helped her make her dreams come true—and Darren Dake says the same is true for him. 


Filling Needs:

Are you scattering your energy in multiple areas, weakening your effectiveness? Do you practice a One Word focus? If so, what is yours this year?  Are you ensuring your focus is balanced between personal and professional endeavors, so you not only achieve, but have people to celebrate with?

Ponder, think, and pray to discover what the best One Word is for you. A sharper focus can increase productivity, profitability, and raise rates of achievement for anyone pursuing a dream of any kind. 


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips: 

Search your soul—is there a lack, or something missing, that you need to fill? What One Word can help you restore and renovate your life? Is there something you need to reduce or get rid of, to free up time, energy, finances, money, resources, and mental capacity? Filtering your decisions through a singular scope that will reduce stress can change your life. What’s held you back until this point? What One Word would challenge and motivate you to action? If focusing on a One Word for an entire year feels overwhelming, start with a monthly choice. Try a 30 day concentration and see how it changes your perspective as well as your practical decisions.  A One Word focus will carry you toward making the desires of your heart a reality over a mere hope.  Be open to the deeper meanings and layers of your word as you move closer to making your dreams come true and maintaining them once you do.  How can your word inspire others in their dream tending efforts? When we invest in others, our own interest is compounded.  Don’t keep doing the same things over and over while expecting different results. If resolutions are not working for you, consider a simpler and more powerful strategy. 

To find out more about Darren Dake, find him on social media and check out his website,,, or

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Host Anita Agers Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at