Wisdom doesn’t always come in older packages—as this week’s guest proves. Luke Marks is a very accomplished 13-year-old, this exceptional young man has already written an entire book. Talk about a dream tender who’s making it happen! 

Luke has very specific goals, and reasons behind them. He wants to write books as a way to express himself, and to express his feelings. He wants people to hear and read his writing to help change lives. 

For Luke, writing is something he stumbled on, it wasn’t a dream he always knew he wanted to pursue. He’s thought about and tried other things, but he always found himself coming back to writing. Like many people, it was a reoccurring theme or pattern he couldn’t seem to get away from, because it’s obviously part of his greater purpose. 

As many adults can relate to, Luke also struggles against the draw of the shiny new object. When you’re in the middle of a project or a particular dream, and something else glitters and sparkles on the horizon, trying to pull you away from that thing you’re supposed to finish. Far too many dream tenders have fallen prey to the temptation and allure of a fresh, new idea.

As Luke says, “Ideas can be like an addiction. You want to stop and start something new, but then you know you need to go back and finish. It’s really difficult to start a new book when you’re already working on one. So you have to grind it out and keep working on your first.”


Filling Needs:

Do you have someone who not only cheers and encourages you, but who also coaches you and pushes you to grind out your dreams? Do you cheerlead and coach yourself when no one else is available or willing to do it for you?  Are you willing to set aside some entertaining and fun things to stick with your dream?

Dream big and dream long. Luke has a goal of publishing a minimum of ten books, and he anticipates it taking many years, but he has decided he’s in it for the long haul. How big and how long are you willing to dream?


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips:

Give yourself the gift of completion. There’s nothing like the feel of the finish, especially when you’ve accomplished something difficult.   Prepare yourself mentally for the sacrifice. It will be required, but if you expect it, you will find it easier to delay gratification for now, so you gain a greater reward later. Don’t overwork yourself. Make sure you take care of your body with good nutrition, hydrating drinks, and sufficient rest—otherwise, your work will suffer.  Expect rejection. Know it’s part of the process, but don’t allow it to embed into your person. A project or dream rejection is a temporary judgment from someone who may not be suited to be part of your dream, but the right person, group, or partner will come along.   Use Luke’s creative key bashing process: when looking for a name, title, or simply inspiration, just type letters into your computer, and see what shows up on the screen. Don’t step away from your dream too long, otherwise, you will discover how much longer it takes to regain your momentum.   Let your imagination run free—but equally practice discipline.  Listen to the gratitude and fortitude in this young man’s voice. If a 13-year-old can dare to believe in his dreams, why you can’t you? Try something new on a regular basis, then practice, practice, practice. Even if it seems unrelated to your dream, don’t be surprised if that knowledge doesn’t come into play at some point. But if nothing else, it will grow your confidence, which will enhance any dream you hope to tend. Work hard. Push through the pain. Never stop being a dreamer who is also a doer.

To find out more about Luke Marks, look for him on YouTube and other social media platforms. I expect you’ll find a website coming soon.

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Host Anita Agers Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at tendyourdreams.com.