Michelle Cox’s granddaughter had one question for Brian Bird, co-creator of the popular TV show, When God Calls the Heart. “Can you make Jack and Elizabeth kiss more? Sitting over dinner for faculty of a writer’s conference where they both attended, Brian shared a secret with Michelle. 

Michelle is a dream-doer, so when Brian said he’d always wanted to write a devotional associated with When God Calls the Heart, but didn’t have the time to write or know a publisher who could get it done, Michelle was ready to help him tend that dream. Her response was, “Let’s do it. I think I know a publisher who could get it done for us.” That books released in February 2018, and just in time for this year’s holiday season, When God Calls the Heart at Christmas releases. 

Filled with devotions based on episodes from the TV show, prayers, stories, traditions, and recipes, many provided by Hearties, the rabid fans of When Calls the Heart. To get more information on these books, go to whenGodcallstheheart.com

In her dream-tending efforts, Michelle knows we have to partner our efforts with the dreams God places in our hearts. Like the Israelites backed up against the Red Sea when God parted it had to pick up their own bags and walk across the dry land that was ahead of them, we have to pick up our dreams and walk into opportunities. We must be teachable. 

Michelle told God years ago at a writer’s conference, “If you let me do this, I’ll put my running shoes on.” Today, she laughs as she tries to keep up with the dreams God lays before her. 

If spending quality time with family and creating lasting memories is one of your dreams, then Michelle has that covered as well. Some of her family traditions include creating unique family ornaments for their tree, making a birthday cake for Jesus and singing Happy Birthday to Him, as well as the family participating as a group in putting their nativity scene out. 

Neither Michelle or her husband came from a healthy, wholesome family environment. So, when they came together, they resolved to create a loving home environment, where their children did not grow up afraid of them. By creating special family traditions, and working together, they have done just that. One of their secrets to making this dream come true and maintaining it, is knowing that the ultimate dream is to feel accepted and know they are loved—regardless of their pasts. They pursued a relationship with Jesus Christ, and made that dream of feeling loved and accepted an ongoing reality.


Filling Needs:

Are you asking God what big dreams He created for you? Do you know the ultimate dream—that you ARE absolutely loved and wholly accepted?  Are you pursuing all of the dreams that provide happiness? Vocational, physical, relational, and especially spiritual.

When your spirit is touched by God, you can do anything He has made you for and called you to do, even when His dreams seems overwhelming and too big.


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips: 

Study some of the habits of those in previous eras, not only can we learn from the past, but we can often discover treasures for a lifetime.  Always be on the ready, with a willing and teachable spirit, to tend a dream opportunity. Create some new holiday traditions for your family, the kind designed to make your dream of becoming a closer family come true.  Search for recipes that warm the heart, fill the spirit, and bring people closer together. There’s no better atmosphere for dream building and tending, than sitting around the table over good food.  Invite God to participate in your dream tending efforts. Don’t be like my grandson, who when he was small, used to say, “I can do it on my own self,” only to make a wreck of things.  Do you have your running shoes on, ready at any time to race toward the dreams God will place before you?  Pass love and acceptance on to others. There is no greater joy or practice, than to give to those who lack.    Take a tip from Michelle’s granddaughter, kiss and hug more—complain and gripe less. 

To find out more about Michelle Cox, find her on social media and check out her website, michellecoxinspirations.com

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Host Anita Agers Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at tendyourdreams.com.