Faith Blatchford, author of Winning the Battle for the Night, published by Chosen Books, has a dream to help others tend theirs, and I was fascinated to hear how she does this. She helps people get unstuck so they can live their dreams and produce their dreams. She says that when your dream is fulfilled, you are released to change the world. 

Faith also believes that God speaks to us through dreams, even in our modern times. She shares how Albert Einstein had his “ta da” moment when the theory of relativity came to him through a dream. But whether God gave the dream in the night, or planted it inside the emotions during the day, Faith points to many world-changers who received epiphanies, inspirations, and specific ideas through dreaming. But Faith is also very practical. 

Cautioning us to value our dreams—really value them to the point that we don’t allow busyness, distractedness, or interruptions to get in our way—is something Faith says most dream tenders miss. She says when God gives us a dream, we must see it as a priority. If you’re interested in it, God is interested in it. 

Know your why. Why is your dream so important to you? Faith’s greatest why is knowing she will have to give God an account of whether she was a good steward of the dreams He gave her. 

Protect your dreams. Put securities in place so nothing can rob you of your dreams.

Protect yourself against naysayers. Decide you are not going to allow anyone to steal your confidence, security, and  Use specific planning to keep other things from getting in the way—set dates and times to reach your goals.  Pray your dream with a community of supporters who will help you spiritually protect your dream.

Be humble and ask other people to help you. 

Write your dreams down, review them, and rehearse them. Regularly and consistently read through every detail of the dream you have. 

Use wisdom in what you share and with whom you share, otherwise you will open yourself up to attack. Partner with God who gave you the dream, and don’t let just anyone inside your hopes and plans. But do not go too far, where you become afraid, and refuse to allow anyone inside. You will need the help and support of other people. 

Create a community of people who believe in you and your dreams.


Filling Needs:

Have you thought through what you are going to do with your dream? Do you confidently and victoriously stand on God’s promises for making your dream come true? Do you believe it’s possible for you and your dream to change the world?

Thank God in advance for giving you everything you will need along the way to making your dreams come true. Pray with thanksgiving versus offering the beggar’s prayer.


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips:

Don’t be too proud to ask for and accept help when needed. Consider your night and day dreams, what are they telling you? Is God speaking to you when your eyes are closed? Like Joseph in the Bible, do you see your challenges as opportunities? What people may intend for evil, God may ultimately mean for a greater good. Value your dreams—make them a priority that is given the appropriate tending, attention, and focus. Give yourself permission to fulfill your dream, so you can bring blessing and positive change to the world. Consider your why—why is your dream so important to you? What is at stake if you don’t pursue and fulfill your dream(s)?  Make sure you are protecting your dream(s), from naysayers and your own fears.  Write your dreams down, review daily, and rehearse them. Imagine what success looks like, allow yourself to “see” what your future can look like.  Grab the Tending Your Dreams’ free giveaways and discounts from every episode. Go to for your gift, just for tuning in. Don’t forget our product discount—20% off on all autographed books. Enter the coupon code TYD20 to snatch your deal.

You can find out more about Faith Blatchford at or email her [email protected]. Host Anita Agers Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at