I was traveling with my hubby one morning when we stopped at a convenience store—to get him a soda and a coffee for me. A man who appeared to be between 30 and 35 years old walked behind me as I topped off my cup of joe with a little cappuccino flavoring. I couldn’t help noticing the man’s attire. 

He wore a wrinkled black tee shirt that did not coordinate well with his pajama bottoms and tennis shoes. I’ve seen this kind of 21st century casual wear plenty of times now, and though it’s not my style, I mostly think, It’s their life. I wouldn’t go out in public wearing my pajamas, but hey, I live in America, it’s a free world. In this young man’s case, however, I could not have predicted what happened next. 

Before I tell you what shocked me, let me first preface it by saying I am a business coach, and have been for several years now. I work with multiple millionaires, CEO’s, CFO’s, and board of director members, helping them solve problems, improve processes, and celebrate victories. Through that part of my work, I also interact with many of those on the front line, many whose dreams are simply to get out of debt, learn skills, and possibly make the most of their current situation as a stepping stone to something they hope to do in the future. 

So when I share the rest of this story, please understand, I have a great deal of insight when it comes to what employers, customers, and clients want from those who are hired and expected to earn a paycheck. And I equally know what most employees would tell me their dreams, goals, and desires are. From either perspective, I can assure you, what I saw that morning would not lead to a positive outcome for anyone. 

As the man in the pajamas moved past me, he made his way behind the counter. At first, I believed the female cashier I saw must be his significant other, which would still make his presence behind the counter very inappropriate, but I thought to myself, Surely, this guy is not working dressed like that. But when he rang someone up on the cash register, and then began stocking shelves, there was no question, pajama man was on the clock. 

Here’s where this connects to dream tending—I am confident that if I’d had time to sit down with that young man and ask him, he would tell me he had dreams. If he’s like most young people, he would probably go into great detail about what he wants to do with his life in the future. But sadly, he doesn’t realize that the habits he plants today will determine the crop he harvests later. 

Tending Your Dreams often begins in the fertile soil of what happens beneath the surface. When you put the time and energy into making a good presentation, it will often pay in unexpected ways. You never know who you might run across, or what that stranger may do for a living and/or have connections to. The impression you make could impact an unseen opportunity that suddenly appears. Possibilities often present themselves when we least expect them. You want to be prepared by making sure your face is in place—and there’s one easy way to accomplish this every day. 

When you get ready in the morning, imagine meeting the most influential person who could help make your dreams reality—then dress for them. Before you leave your house, do one more double-check, envisioning that unexpected meeting with your influential person, do you feel good about what their first impression would be?


Filling Needs:

Who are some of the people who might influence your ability to make your dreams come true? Brainstorm a list of at least three people if you have not done this already. Have you imagined the scenario if you were to meet one or more of those influential people? Do you know what you would say, what questions you would ask, what you would like to accomplish from that meeting?  When you go out in public, does your presentation match your desires for a better future?

Making a successful appearance before you actually achieve success sets you up to make the most of every opportunity—expected and unexpected—and can help you reach your goals faster.


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips: 

Take a bath or shower at least every other day. Poor hygiene has cost more than one person a big opportunity.  Dress as if you want and expect success. Tell others and yourself that you are serious about your endeavors.  Solid neutrals such as black, gray, brown, or navy are great, but add a pop of energy by adding splashes of bright colors known to boost the human spirit. Great accentuating tones include crimson red, sunshine yellow, brilliant purple, royal blue, and emerald green.  Spend a few minutes on your hair. A brush or comb does wonders, and a touch of style held in place by the right product can keep you looking sharp for hours.   Brush your teeth and use mints or spray for freshness throughout the day. It saddens me that in the 21st century this needs to be said—but this needs to be said. Don’t delude yourself—just because you can’t smell your bad breath doesn’t mean others can’t. This is a professional turn off. And teeth that obviously haven’t been brushed says to decision-makers that your habits are sloppy, translating into, “You are not reliable, trustworthy, or productive.” If you’re going to wear cologne or perfume, do not splash it on. Remember, a little often goes a very long way, and many people have scent sensitivities. Wash your hands after you use the restroom . . . with soap! Dedicate yourself to preventing the further spread of germs. Not only will you be helping the environment and improving your own health, but the inner “feel good” you get from taking better care of yourself just might surprise you.  Make eye contact and use your God-given smile. There’s a subconscious trust exchange when we look people in the eyes and offer a welcoming expression.  Be constantly aware and open to the unexpected opportunities that may come your way, and prepare in advance by making sure the image you present matches your desires and dreams.  Grab the Tending Your Dreams’ free giveaways and discounts from every episode. Go to tendyourdreams.com/freebie13 for your gift, just for tuning in. Don’t forget our product discount—20% off on all autographed books. Enter the coupon code TYD20 to snatch your deal.

Find host Anita Agers Brooks on various social media platforms, and discover additional dream tending tips at tendyourdreams.com.