What could you do with an extra 21 hours per week? I can show you how to gain just that. By showing you how to do this, added to a handful of dream tending ticklers—prepare yourself—those dreams of yours are going to come true! 

If you reduce the amount of television you watch in a day by only 3 hours (the average is 5 hours and 4 minutes), multiplied by the seven days in a week, you will have an extra 21 hours to participate in life, versus watching others live. And if you were to spend half of that three hour gain actively tending your dream, your own progress will amaze you.

Another way to gain productive time is to support your body and mind with restful sleep. Go to bed one hour earlier per night (it may take some time to retrain yourself to actually start resting sooner), and ultimately, your dream tending efforts will improve. 

Take a Sabbath rest every week. It may seem like a time-waster, but in reality, this is a time-generator when it comes to having the strength and endurance to make your dreams come true, and to maintain them when they do. 

A mental trick that will infuse you with energy is to make your bed every morning. This little change in habit will fill you with an inner sense of deep satisfaction. Once a human being feels good about accomplishing one thing, they are often motivated to tackle other projects. 

If you fight the procrastination monster, take my challenge and do one thing every day that you’ve been putting off. It doesn’t have to be something of great magnitude, but a little progress is like a magic potion to the human spirit.


Filling Needs: 

Do you want to waste your life watching other people fulfill their dreams, or would you prefer to pursue yours, so you feel better about yourself and can contribute to the greater good of other people? Are you supporting your body, mind, and spirit in healthy ways, so you are equipped and strengthened to tend your dreams? Do you act on your dreams, or simply think, talk, and fantasize?

A few simple changes can produce powerful, life-altering results.


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips: 

Turn the tube off and turn your mind on. Focus more attention on tending your dreams and less on watching others cultivate theirs. Try some natural insomnia remedies such as lavender essential oil or Melatonin to help you rest deeper, as well as training your body to go to bed at an earlier hour. Give yourself a mental break by taking a weekly Sabbath from work, including email and text responses on your phone or other devices. Become intentional to develop order-inducing habits, such as making your bed every day, doing your dishes as soon as you finish eating, and picking up after yourself before going to bed. Science has shown that a neater environment leads to higher productivity. Remember, most of the things we dread take approximately half as long to finish as we feared. Training yourself to overcome procrastination in small things will lead you to overcome greater projects you’ve been reluctant to finish. Grab the Tending Your Dreams’ free giveaways and discounts from every episode. Go to tendyourdreams.com/freebie11 for your gift, just for tuning in. Don’t forget our product discount—20% off on all autographed books. Enter the coupon code TYD20 to snatch your deal.

Discover additional dream tending tips at tendyourdreams.com.