We're joined by Gizmodo's Shoshana Wodinsky to talk about how tech companies are using the impending repeal of Roe v Wade as an opportunity to expand their surveillance apparatus and abilities, and how basically every smart phone is going to be used as a hyper-personalised surveillance device that will employ the combination of ad-tech, tracking and state surveillance to build a system that constantly monitors you, tries to sell stuff to you and, also, arrest you. Shoshana tells us some ways to work around this that are essential to do any form of activism. Also, we check in on Jordan Peterson, who has seemingly pissed off some of his fanbase who are dating women who aren't instagram models. 

You can read and share Shoshana's original article here: https://gizmodo.com/your-phone-is-a-goldmine-of-hidden-data-for-cops-heres-1843817740


Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth).