This is a preview of a bonus episode. Listen to the whole episode at:


We’re joined by Chris Kavanagh, an anthropologist and the co-host of “Decoding The Gurus” to talk about the emergence of the New Atheist movement and the ways it permanently shaped discourse online.

We talk about the movement's entrance into the mainstream, and how it fractured, as some of its core figures decided to ally with the religious right and join the “anti-woke” movement instead.


Can't get enough Phoebe? Want some Milo in the mix too? Check out their new limited series about Rome Here!

And while you're clicking links, check out Phoebe's Substack Here!


Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth).

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