note: Phoebe's microphone is broken in this episode. A replacement has arrived and it will be fine going forwards, but you may notice a certain... mobile phone handset quality to the audio. I have done everything I can, and it sounds orders of magnitude better than it did in the raw file, but it's still not ideal.

This is a free preview of a bonus episode! Find the whole episode, as well as our entire backlog of bonus episodes, at


On this Halloween spooktacular, we reminisce fondly about a legendary halloween post: Showing up to a party dressed as the Babadook, when the event really had more of a 'grown ups drinking wine' vibe. Previous years' halloween specials have been about posts such as Francis Fukuyama lamenting the casualised nature of skeletons as decorations.


Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_onEarth).