This is a preview of a bonus episode. Listen to the entire episode at:, where you can also listen to a bunch of other great episodes for as little as $5 a month.

We're joined this week by returning champion Magda Taylor, a writer whose work you'll probably be familiar with through MEL magazine.

Magda talks to us about the "Female Dating Strategy" subreddit,  which, while having been called 'RedPill for Women' by some outlets, represents an understandable cynicism of dating apps and algorithmic romance, and in turn, has spurned dozens of TikTok trends and phenomena, repackaging its 'central pillars' into shareable content that, uh, tends to really only apply to good looking people. Magda talks to us about one of these sub-phenomena, 'Sirenmaxxing', whether its actually a thing, and what it suggests about the way we think about online dating today.


Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Devon (@Devon_OnEarth). 

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