This is a preview of a bonus episode. You can listen to the whole episode on Patreon for as little as $5. Your support helps us run this show, without ads, and to retain editorial independence.
This week, we watch the BBC Three webseires "Pls Like", starring Liam Williams, Tom Stourton and Emma Sidi. The show, starting in 2016, was a satirical exploration the world of Youtubers as a time when the platform started getting taken more seriously by advertisers, brands and wider popular culture.

We discuss what the show was trying to explore, what observations it got right, and of course, the challenges of trying to make a show about the internet, for television. We also discuss Youtube culture in the 2010s, reminisce about the big Zoella ads that at one point covered every London tube station, and discuss what happened to some of the big Youtube stars who struggled to make it on other platforms.