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He went from being a mostly unknown amateur to two TV finals in one year and in his first three games on TV, shot 803. Zach Weidman is no joke folks, and it's only a matter of time before he breaks through and starts winning consistently on the PBA tour.

Zach is a Purdue graduate and in his time there, he perfected his unique ball roll and with that, is one of the most unique righties in the pro circuit. This unique delivery gives Zach a distinct advantage when they are bowling in a high friction environment. We discuss that, his first year on tour and what he's looking forward to most on this Ten Pin Life Podcast!

I cannot express enough gratitude to Zach. He is a great guy with a ton of talent, and I am really looking forward to seeing what he can do the rest of this year, and in his career on the PBA tour. 

Ten Pin Life exists to tell the story of what it takes to live a life in bowling and to grow the love for the sport. If you want to learn more about the people, skills and equipment it takes to make ten pin bowling the greatest game there is, Ten Pin Life is for you. Thank you so much for your interest, now get out there and bowl!

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