Comentario inicial:
How 2022 Became the Year Trans Hate Went Mainstream
• In 2021, after nearly seven years of fighting and after he had already graduated, Grimm won. “What I did, what my legal team did, what other trans people in this nation with similar cases have done, it mattered, it made a difference,” Grimm told VICE News. This massive legal victory meant that the U.S. court system upheld trans rights, and recognized the discriminatory nature of restrictive bathroom policies.
• Grimm has every right to be disillusioned: In so many ways, this year in particular has been devastating as trans rights face attack after attack. Even as victories for LGBTQ people mount, anti-trans rhetoric and legislation has not slowed down, and now it appears GOP leaders and their supporters have manufactured a culture war over transgender and gender nonconforming identities. Hate targeting LGBTQ people, especially trans people and drag queens, has reverberated across the country, and hundreds of bills targeting LGBTQ people have been introduced—about half of them have focused on trans people. States have also tried to equate gender-affirming care with child abuse: In Texas, the Department of Family and Protective Services was tasked with investigating families with trans kids.
• In 2022 alone, more than 171 anti-trans bills—and more than 300 anti-LGBTQ bills—have been introduced across the U.S.

Causa para arresto contra mujer que protagonizó altercado con policía en Utuado
Por agredir al agente.
• Nivel de violencia social
• Visión del policía como regente del espacio público
• Uso del “taser”
• Uso del celular por parte del policía
• Falta entrenamiento y de supervisión

Lo absurdo:
Melinda Romero se niega a entregar informes financieros a la Oficina de Ética Gubernamental. En consecuencia, la OEG le dio 20 días para que responda a la querella
• Resultado de la chapucería de esta ley
• “Enemigos de nuestra gestión”
• Ya reconoció la petición
• Hasta cuando la gente decente que de buena fe cree en la mitología
• Violencia sistémica y económica
Gobernador afirma que celebración de plebiscito criollo no es prioridad ahora mismo. Representante del PNP le sale al paso a la amenaza del PPD.

La Casa Blanca confirma que Zelenski visitará EE.UU. este miércoles. En lo que será su primer viaje al exterior desde el inicio del conflicto con Rusia, el presidente ucraniano se dirigirá al Congreso del país y mantendrá una reunión con Joe Biden.