• Sigue subiendo la tasa de positividad por Covid-19
• El Departamento de Salud reportó este viernes que la tasa de positividad por Covid-19 está en 32.07%.
• Se informó de otras 10 muertes a causa del COVID-19, ascendiendo los decesos a 4,718 desde que empezó la pandemia en marzo de 2020 en Puerto Rico.
• De las 10 personas que murieron, siete no tenían las vacunas al día, una no estaba vacunada y dos estaban al día con las vacunas.

• Mañana en El Candil a la 1:00pm. Alfonso Giménez Lucchetti presenta el libro El Coloniaje En Pelota del maestro Jesús Ortiz
• El Comité Caborrojeño Pro Salud y Ambiente lleva más de 15 años creando proyectos de educación en el área de las Salinas de Cabo Rojo. Han trabajado con miles de visitantes y nunca dicen que no cuando de labor voluntaria se trata. El Centro Interpretativo de las Salinas y sus alrededores naturales han sido, y siguen siendo, hogar, salón, laboratorio, museo e inspiración para muchos. Ayúdame donando y compartiendo este mensaje.
• 1 árbol x 1 libro: una iniciativa de editora educación emergente en colaboración con cuidadorxs alrededor del archipiélago puertorriqueño
o En medio de la crisis climática global y de sus agudas manifestaciones en esta colonia nuestra, Editora Educación Emergente (EEE) quiere unirse a cuidadorxs de los árboles, de la tierra, de las semillas, de las islas, de la vida, para comprometerse, en un pequeño esfuerzo de reforestación, a sembrar un árbol endémico puertorriqueño por cada título que publique a partir del anuncio público de esta iniciativa, que se hará próximamente... ¡PENDIENTES!
o Si tú, tu comunidad u organización quisiera unirse a esta iniciativa como cuidadorxs de árboles, el compromiso consistiría en dos tareas: (1) cuidar el o los árboles que puedas tener a tu cargo en las tierras que acompañas, y (2) documentar su crecimiento para que EEE pueda compartirlo a futuro con sus comunidades lectoras. Cada árbol llevará el nombre del libro que representa.
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Judge makes decision on Kentucky’s abortion ban
o LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WKYT) - Abortion will be allowed in Kentucky while the ACLU’s lawsuit over the state’s laws banning abortion is decided.
o Kentucky’s trigger law, which was passed in 2019, went into effect immediately when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, banning abortions in the state.
o The ACLU says the ban violates the state’s constitution. The judge had previously granted the ACLU’s request for a restraining order against the law and the ACLU wanted the judge to continue blocking it.
o According to the ruling, the court found a “substantial likelihood that these laws violate the rights to privacy and self-determination.” It says those rights are protected by multiple sections of the state’s constitution.

Pregnant Women Can't Get Divorced in Missouri. The state's divorce law has come under more scrutiny since the overturning of Roe v. Wade
o She says that the whole basis for Missouri putting the pause on a divorce proceeding until a child is born is because Missouri divorce law "does not see fetuses as humans”.
o "You can't have a court order that dictates visitation and child support for a child that doesn't exist," she says. "I have no mechanism as a lawyer to get that support going. There's nothing there because that's not a real person."
o Missouri ends abortion JUNE 24, 2022
 Following the Supreme Court of the United States’ ruling Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt today issued an opinion to the Missouri Revisor of Statutes that “triggers” parts of Missouri’s House Bill 126, effectively ending abortion in the State of Missouri. Missouri is the first state in the country to do so.
 “Today, following the United States Supreme Court’s ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, with the issuance of an attorney general opinion, my Office has yet again reinforced Missouri’s dedication to protecting the sanctity of life, both born and unborn. With this attorney general opinion, my Office has effectively ended abortion in Missouri, becoming the first state in the country to do so following the Court’s ruling,” said Attorney General Schmitt. “My Office has been fighting to uphold the sanctity of life since I became attorney general, culminating in today’s momentous court ruling and attorney general opinion. I will continue the fight to protect all life, born and unborn.”

Ted Cruz Says Supreme Court Was Wrong to Legalize Gay Marriage: 'Ignored 2 Centuries of Our Nation's History . n Sunday's episode of his podcast, Republican Sen.
• Ted Cruz said the 2015 case that legalized same-sex marriage in the U.S. "was clearly wrong when it was decided"
• The issue, Cruz suggested, is that the legality of same-sex marriage should be left to the states.
• "Obergefell, like Roe v. Wade, ignored two centuries of our nation's history," Cruz said. "Marriage was always an issue that was left to the states. We saw states before Obergefell, some states were moving to allow gay marriage, other states were moving to allow civil partnerships. There were different standards that the states were adopting."