“50 años hoy 16 de febrero del fusilamiento pusilánime del héroe nacional Francisco Alberto Caamaño Deñó, que si bien se inmoló sigue siendo una emulación de la valentía del pueblo dominicano.”

Georgia grand jury found evidence of perjury, not systemic fraud. In the grand jury investigation in Fulton County, Georgia, jurors didn't find evidence of widespread voter fraud, but they did point to possible perjury.

Train carrying hazardous materials derails outside Detroit.
• Local authorities reported that a train carrying hazardous materials derailed in a town outside Detroit Thursday morning. Authorities in Van Buren Township, Michigan, warned residents to avoid the area near the derailment and closed roadways near the incident as authorities investigate the accident, according to a safety alert issued Thursday. Authorities said that there was “no evidence” that hazardous materials were exposed since no rail cars carrying the materials were “compromised.”

Puerto Rico Alzheimer's Disease Research Symposium
• Aida Luz Maisonet Giachello, PhD
• Mayra l. Estrella, PhD, MPH
• Prof. Ana Gratacos, presidenta de la Asociacion de Alzheimer.
• Mirna Arroyo, DrPH, JD
o Disparidades con el resto de EE UU
 Marginación social
 Historial genético
 Pobre acceso a servicios médicos
 Servicios mediados por las xenofobias y el racismo
 Hay que cambiar la visión capitalista sobre la salud
• En EE UU no hay un sistema de salud
• Es un problema político
 Rol de las ONG en Puerto Rico
 Emigración a Rep. Dominicana buscando apoyo