The fourth era of the Dungeon Of Deceit is imminent, and it is a  time of  change; the Dungeon is growing fast and far beyond its old  boundaries, while some of the mightiest of its occupants, both light and  dark, are coming into conflict. When old alliances are broken by  treachery and greed, fresh alliances are formed as new protagonists  emerge, until five distinct factions – four of them forces for evil and  only one of them a force for good – take shape. Of these, it is the  faction controlled by the sorceress Malice that takes the initiative. While the Dungeon Master, Treguard of Dunshelm, tries to remain  impartial and above the conflicts raging in the Greater Game, the war  leads to chaos, death, and a new dominant evil that he simply must range  his forces against. Confusion is certain… When Five Tribes Go to War! 

Treguard ……………………………………………………… Ruzl Odoni 

Malice ………………………………………………… Helen Becconsall 

Pickle ……………………………………………………… Andy Marshall 

Aedric (Lord Fear)/Fatilla The Hun …………. Martin Odoni 

Morghanna/Mistress Goody(badwife) …….. Rosey Collins 

Merlin ……………………………………………………… Matt Richings 

Mogdred …………………………………………………. Martin Harder 

Hordriss the Confuser/Gumboil ………………… Jake Collins 

Skarkill ……………………………………………………… Ricky Temple 

Sir Hugh de Wittless ……………………………………… Adam Hall 

Written by Martin Odoni. 

Intro music ‘Return Of The Knights’ provided by Soundrangers, composer anonymous 

Outro music ‘Under The Surface’ composed by Sebastian Morawietz 

Trailer music “Two Tribes: Surrender Mix” composed & performed by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. 

Sound effects provided by The Free Sound Project and Soundrangers. 

Production mixed by Martin Odoni 

Running time approximately one hundred and twenty minutes. 

Also thanks to Robin Barlow, David  Forester, Clare Speedie, Billy Hicks, Sue McPherson, Kieran O’Brien,  Emma Venvell, Saijal Mistry and Andrew ‘Snowcat’ Kenny. 

Published August-October 2010.