Previous Episode: How Are You Holding Up?
Next Episode: Hotel California

In this episode of Tempor Footnotes, I'd like to welcome my friend Micah Malone. He is an artist, educator, and writer. He currently lives in Guangzhou, Southern China, with his wife and Cairo street dog, Dolly. We were able to discuss topics in education, technology, and our various experiences adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tempor Footnotes Podcast is a production of Studio WAC and Tempor Magazine. Our producer is Scott Cartwright, and Jenny Lynn Weitz is our art director. Simon Mathewson of Nul Tiel Records composed the music for this episode.  You can follow us on Twitter @tempormag and Instagram @tempormag. If you’d like to support the show, follow this link to make a donation. Thank you again for listening. 

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