Anthony Alongi doesn't get brought up enough, and neither do his ratings for which he assigned to cards based on their usefulness and stylings. Bruce and Andy talk about these six animals and how you can use them to evaluate what you have on your hands.



Wizards has dumped much of their archive including these articles. They can only be accessed through and these links:

Anthony's Article:


Bruce's Update to the Multiplayer Hall of Fame:


HEY! We got a YouTube channel where we'll be uploading our episodes, as well! Check it out and SUBSCRIBE! We might upload the occasional non-episode there as well. Temple of the False Pod on YouTube!


Come bask with us in the casual formats, and may your fifth land always be the Temple. 

We are available wherever podcasts are found, so subscribe and leave us a review! It helps us out and drop us a line at [email protected] to tell us about your big plays!

You can also find us on Twitter: @FalsePodMTG

We are:

Andy Stocker (@andyweekend)

Bruce Richard (@manaburned)



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