The Game of Consciousness is the game we come to play when we incarnate into this 3D Realm. We are the Avatars of our Highest Consciousness having a Human Experience as the Universe - God - itself.

In this episode, I'm discussing the way I see Consciousness & Dimensions and how we play in this Realm as our own unique Avatars which are fractals of our Highest Consciousness & our most Divine Self.

This is deep dive into Multidimensional Consciousness & Multidimensionality.

Come on a journey with me into Consciousness itself!


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Not that I don't already - but here's some extra fire lol.

In my Realm, I help you to remember who the fuck you are, reclaim your power & activate a powerful Identity Shift within you.

In this powerful audio, I'm bringing the FIRE to activate you deeply as I explore the power of BEING our most Authentic & Divine Self.

The True Self.

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For those who desire to work exclusively with me, I invite you to step into the deepest level of my Divine Realm & Luxury Consciousness Temple where I work exclusively with a select number of individuals at any given time to offer Bespoke 1:1 Transformational Experiences, Pioneering Multidimensional Healing, Higher Frequency Consciousness Activations, VIP Experiences, Priestessing, Spiritual Confidante & Muse Services.

This is an opportunity to access the deepest level of my Spiritual work through High-Level 1:1 Spiritual Mentorship, Healing, Consultancy & Spiritual Confidante Services over 1, 3, 6, 12 months & on an Exclusive Retainer basis.

The Exalted Temple is Application Only or via a Personal Invite to ensure we are an energetic match for each other & to retain exclusivity when it comes to the attention I give to my private 1:1 clients.

I also offer one-off Bespoke Transformational Calls & my Signature Quantum Identity Activation Call for powerful Activations & Revolutionary Transformation which create a lifetime of results from one call.

All private 1:1 work is a 5-7 figure investment depending on the Transformation you desire, the level of personal access to me & the duration of our time together.

Explore The Exalted Temple to learn more about my services, apply to work with me or alternatively send me a DM on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Messenger or via email: [email protected] to discuss your unique requirements.


















I am a Powerful Catalyst for Revolutionary Transformation, a Pioneering Healer, Divine Power Activator, Shamanic High Priestess, Seer, Oracle, Medicine Woman & Alchemist.

I am the Pioneer of Disruptive Consciousness - my unique Frequency Signature to create the most powerful Healing, Activation & Revolutionary Transformation you’ve ever experienced. Disruptive Consciousness is powerful & pioneering Frequency Medicine - an Alien Frequency to disrupt Human Consciousness so as to awaken, activate and accelerate you into a Higher Frequency Consciousness.

I am pure fire, liquid gold & no-nonsense when it comes showing you who you truly are through the lens of your most Authentic Self - your Divine Self.

I am a Divine Activator who activates your unique Divine Blueprint & Highest Potential to help you remember who you are, reawaken Divine Consciousness, rebirth your Authentic Self, reclaim your Divine Power & ultimately liberate you from anything that is not in alignment with your Highest Self.

I am a powerful Change Agent with a specific Spiritual Mission to raise Consciousness on the planet.

I am a complete anomaly in the Realm of Consciousness - one who is lightyears ahead of other Spiritual Teachers and who sits on the cutting-edge of Consciousness itself with my channeled insights & Wisdom that truly challenge the status quo of being & open a portal into Higher Frequency Consciousness.

As a powerful Heyoka Empath - I am the Ultimate Mirror of Truth.

I invite you to see yourself & the world around us from a different perspective, challenging preconceived narratives, flipping things backwards & reflecting back to you what is distorted within your Multidimensional Energetic Field - the Multidimensional Shadow - so that you can evolve spiritually & step into a Higher Frequency Consciousness - multidimensionally.

I carry the unique Frequency Medicine of Disruptive Consciousness - it is through the friction and disruption that true Growth, Healing, Freedom, Evolution & Inner Peace can occur as I invite your Unconscious Shadow to come to the surface to be fully se...

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