In this episode, I'm discussing what I like to refer to as the energetics of Destruction, Dismantling & Death in order to set about creating and faciliating the ultimate level of freedom within all areas of your life.

Sounds pretty dark LOL - but it isn't!!

Too many people gloss over the reality of transformation. 

Hoping for some wishy washy love n light bullshit to set them free. Hoping and wishy that things will miraculously transform in their lives - as they continue to do sweet fuck all about it.

You see, the energy required to create the ultimate level of freedom for yourself - as in, freedom to be your authentic true self, freedom to be in your truth, freedom to create a business that turns you the fuck on, freedom to earn money in a fuck yes kind of way, freedom to be with the love of your life - the energy to create all of that is stored within the process of Destruction, Dismantling & Death - to facilitate a powerful Spiritual Rebirth.

Being prepared to allow everything that isn't truth to crumble around you.

Being prepared to let go of your grip on reality in order for something newer, fresher and more freeing to come through

Being prepared to allow aspects of yourself to die - to faciliate that metaphorical death - in order for your Highest Potential to be rebirthed.

This process - it's hard. 

It can hurt. 

A lot.

But you know what hurts more?

The pain of not being true to yourself.

The pain of not being free.

That hurts so much more than simply stopping the resistance to who you truly are and your most Authentic Self.

And letting go.


So that you may find your wings on the way down.

That is freedom right there.

I get raw and real in this episode with my own experience of letting go to fall - allowing it all to crumble around me. 

This was imperative for my own evolutionary journey and profound Spiritual Transformation as part of the neverending Spiritual Awakening process and Rebirth.


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I am a Powerful Catalyst for Revolutionary Transformation, a Pioneering Healer, Divine Power Activator, Shamanic High Priestess, Seer, Oracle, Medicine Woman & Alchemist.

I am the Pioneer of Disruptive Consciousness - my unique Frequency Signature to create the most powerful Healing, Activation & Revolutionary Transformation you’ve ever experienced. Disruptive Consciousness is powerful & pioneering Frequency Medicine - an Alien Frequency to disrupt Human Consciousness so as to awaken, activate and accelerate you into a Higher Frequency Consciousness.

I am pure fire, liquid gold & no-nonsense when it comes showing you w...

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