Going Deep: A Conversation - Humanity's Collective Pain, Soul Trauma & Unifying In Our Unique TruthI want to use this platform to explore topics that are painful to discuss and to hear. Topics that get you thinking. Topics that create a shift in consciousness within you.Saying the things that others don't. Or that they won't.Going Deep: A Conversation is exactly that - me having a conversation with you. Probing subject matter. Delving deep. Exploring themes and topics I'm passionate about.Using this platform to be me.To speak on what I'm passionate about.To create content that I love to create - and in a manner that feels freeing and uniquely liberating for me to create.Why?Because I'm a Catalyst. An Activator. A Disruptor. A powerful Heyoka Mirror.I'm here for Truth Consciousness.I'm here for probing into the dark and murky waters of our internal Underworld - our psyche - so as to free ourselves from the soul trauma we carry and turn pain into power.In this podcast, I'm discussing the current state of affairs in the world. The propaganda. The BS. The illusions. The veils.And what we as a Collective can do about this.I'm here for Truth Consciousness. To be uniquely me. To share my light so as to activate yours. Turning the Darkness into the Light.From lost to found to free.Welcome to my world. Where freedom is the revolution and disruption is the currency.


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I also offer one-off Bespoke Transformational Calls for powerful Activations & rapid transformational shifts.

All 1:1 work is a 5-7 figure investment depending on the Transformation you are seeking & duration of our time together.

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WEBSITE: https://www.leannejuliette.com



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Leanne Juliette is a Powerful Catalyst for Revolutionary Transformation, a Pioneering Healer, Divine Power Activator, Shamanic High Priestess, Seer, Medicine Woman, Alchemist & Pioneer of Disruptive Consciousness.

She is pure fire, liquid gold & no-nonsense when it comes showing you who you truly are through the lens of your most Authentic Self - your Divine Self.

Her unique healing is focussed on awakening, activating and accelerating Higher Frequency Consciousness.

She is a Divine Activator who activates your unique Divine Blueprint & Highest Potential to help you remember who you are, reawaken Divine Consciousness, rebirth your Authentic Self, reclaim your Divine Power & ultimately liberate you from anything that is not in alignment with your Highest Self.

She is a powerful Changeagent with a specific Spiritual Mission to raise Consciousness on the planet.

Leanne Juliette is a complete anomaly in the Realm of Consciousness - one who is lightyears ahead of other Spiritual Teachers and who sits on the cutting-edge of Consciousness itself with channelled insights & Wisdom that truly challenge the status quo of Being & open a portal into Higher Frequency Consciousness.

As a powerful Heyoka Empath - she is the Ultimate Mirror of Truth.

She invites you to see yourself & the world around us from a different perspective, challenging preconceived narratives, flipping things backwards & reflecting back to you what is distorted within your Multidimensional Energetic Field so that you can evolve spiritually & step into a Higher Frequency Consciousness.

She carries the Medicine of Chaos & Disruption because it is through the friction that true Growth, Healing, Freedom, Evolution & Inner Peace can occur as she invites your Unconscious Shadow to come to the surface to be fully seen through the Mirror of Truth & alchemized into Pure Light.

With Leanne Juliette, you will see yourself through a mirror you’ve been hiding from your entire life - protected by the Illusion of the False Self - and it is a gaze she has over you that penetrates you to the depth of your Being as she offers you the opportunity to be fully seen through the Divine itself.

She can make you feel very fucking uncomfortable - or extremely liberated as she breathes life back into you.

How you react to her is the Medicine necessary for you to grow, evolve, heal & expand spiritually.

She does not coddle Ego or the False Self.

She disrupts what is necessary - with fierce, fierce love for your Highest Potential - to be the Catalyst for powerful Transformation to occur.

She is a powerful Bridge between the Physical & the Spiritual Realms and channels Higher Frequency Consciousness & Divine Wisdom that land perfectly in your body & Psyche to activate you into your own Divine Power - beyond anything you thought possible.

She is a gifted Psychic, Intuitive, Divine Channel, Oracle, Seer & Alchemist who works predominantly with Multidimensional Consciousness where she acts as a Portal to the Hidden Realms of your Unconscious Psyche as she disrupts, dis-spells & dismantles Illusion stored within your Energetic Body - physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically & spiritually - to alchemize it into Pure Truth & Raw Divine Power.

She is Divine Purification & Pure Angelic Fire.

Her powerful Frequency of Truth is pure Medicine as she drops potent Truth - energetically, verbally & psychically - into your Psyche, your Body & your Energetic Field to disrupt the False Self Identity that so many cling on to & to activate your Authentic Self, Divine Consciousness...

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