Previous Episode: 026 - Cricket

On its tenth anniversary, Ravi, Aravind and Dhruv do a
scene-by-scene review of the Puri-Mahesh blockbuster and even
try to derive some life lessons from the film.

Our quick take on the film


Flashback to 2006

Trailer -
Experience watching the film for the first time
Subsequent viewings
The pre-climax twist 
Google movie summary

Fights in the film

Shed fight
MMTS fight

One-liners of the film
The character of Pandugadu - life lessons
The character of Pasupathy
Den scene
Shootout scene
Basketball court scene
Pandu - Shruthi love thread
Confrontation scenes between Pandu and Pasupathy
Gang wars
Management lessons from the henchman Guru
Ali Bhai
Pasha's satires on media
Twist and the big reveal
Comedy scenes