What to prepare:

Dhruv's take Ravi's take


Linked lists, stacks and queues, sorting, trees and search, hash tables, graphs, strings, dynamic programming Textbooks: CLRS, Algorithms by Sedgewick Sedgewick's Algorithms's courses on Coursera. Cracking the Coding Interview Programming Interviews Exposed LeetCode

When to prepare:

Dhruv's take Ravi's take

How to prepare:

Solving on whiteboards Attitude Resume and projects

What to prepare:

Dhruv's take Ravi's take


Linked lists, stacks and queues, sorting, trees and search, hash tables, graphs, strings, dynamic programming Textbooks: CLRS, Algorithms by Sedgewick Sedgewick's Algorithms's courses on Coursera. Cracking the Coding Interview Programming Interviews Exposed LeetCode

When to prepare:

Dhruv's take Ravi's take

How to prepare:

Solving on whiteboards Attitude Resume and projects