This week, Kevin + Steph continue their conversation from episode #215 (you can find part one HERE) with Jeremy Hartman and Katie Keller Schnetzer. In this episode, they discuss the annual Mother-Son Laser Tag event at their kids’ school and how Katie has developed the nickname “The Gladiator” from the event. Also, Kevin shares some...

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This week, Kevin + Steph continue their conversation from episode #215 (you can find part one HERE) with Jeremy Hartman and Katie Keller Schnetzer.

In this episode, they discuss the annual Mother-Son Laser Tag event at their kids’ school and how Katie has developed the nickname “The Gladiator” from the event. Also, Kevin shares some stories from his recent trip to Texas (without Steph), where he met up with a few prior guests of Tell Us A Good Story, including Jim Comer…who had a hilarious reaction to meeting Kevin in person!

We hope you enjoy part 2 of our conversation with Kevin, Steph, Jeremy, and Katie.

Guest Details

Kevin + Steph’s book titled ‘You Met Her WHERE?!’ can be ordered here:


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[0:00] Hello, friends. Welcome to another episode of Tell Us a Good Story. Today is part two of our hilarious conversation with our friend Jeremy Hartman and Steph’s sister, Katie Keller-Schnitzer. You guys, in this episode, we talk about participating in this year’s Mother-Son Laser Tag event at the school, the nickname the kids gave my sister, and stories about Kevin’s recent trip to Austin, Texas without me. That’s true. But I also talk about the reaction I get from folks when I show up somewhere without you. You guys, here’s part two of our conversation with Jeremy Hartman and my sister, Katie Keller-Schnitzer. I’m Kevin and I’m Stephanie and during our marriage we have dealt with an electrocution, a brain tumor, brain surgery, then doctors telling us that children were not in our future, followed by miscarriage and then Kevin’s cancer diagnosis. However today we live a life completely healed and restored with three healthy children who doctors said were not possible and we’re here to tell stories that inspire, give hope and brighten your day. Welcome to Tell Us A Good Story.
[1:00] Okay, friends, before we get to this episode, just a friendly reminder to please hit the subscribe button on YouTube and Apple podcast or give us a review. Five stars, please. In our world, this is super, super important because it will help with the algorithm to make it easier for people to find us. And thank you for sharing our post across your social media. That really helps with engagement and with us getting guests. Yes. So, hey, if you want us to keep working our way up to talking to Chip and Joanna, please share us with your friends. But regardless, thank you for listening to tell us a good story.
[1:32] Okay, Jeremy, you gave me a list of potential stories. One of them you said you wanted to share was you apparently saw Katie here at Target outside of school hours. So I am very interested to hear what happened there. All right. So Sunday, a few weeks back, I’m at church. And several students that I work with also go to our church. And this is about five days before our big mother-son laser tag event. We walk out, church is over, we go out to the lobby, you know, families will gather and talk and this young man says to my son Dane, Dane, we got to get ready for the gladiator. And he’s like intense and he’s serious and Dane’s like, huh? He said, the gladiator, Sam S’s mom.
[2:23] We are like, me and Amber like losing it like oh my gosh we’re talking about katie the gladiator so i mean they have their conversation they’re getting pumped they’re get talking strategy for the you know for that next friday night we leave we go to target we need to pick up some a few things, I mean, literally, we get out of our car, and here comes Katie. She’s got Alex with her, and here’s Katie and Alex. And I’m like, Amber, the Gladiator’s here. There she is. It’s the Gladiator. So we go up to her. Amber immediately tells her the story. Oh, I was dying. And it was awesome. I was so freaking happy. And so when she arrived on Friday night, I was like, hey, Gladiator, are you ready for this? So that was pretty fun. I was born for this. That’s hilarious. Her reputation goes well beyond this room. Like, just the kids even know it. She is the key. She’s the one we got a double team, triple team. If we stop her, we win.
[3:15] Oh, I love it. That made my day. Okay, to recap last year, and we recorded this conversation. Yes. Last year, Jeremy invited us to the mother-son laser tag. Best decision he’s ever made. So I helped.
[3:28] Well, he didn’t really invite us. We invited ourselves and we created a committee. Oh, that’s right. Yes, that’s true. That we weren’t invited to this year. We weren’t invited to the laser tag committee. It disbanded or he just chose his wife amber they like we don’t we don’t need any more of their input yeah so yeah so the thing was last year yes you asked for some input jeremy we gave you more than you asked for ever so much i’m not even sure i read it all honestly that was a lot and so i helped you at the event so of course for the dads we have the father-daughter dance right and then for the moms you have the mother-son laser tech event which is like the biggest event that you have at the school. And it’s fantastic. So fun. You have laser tag and you have dodgeball. Last year, we told the stories of what happened when we participate in this, including you ladies just drilling these kids with the dodgeball, accidentally hit him in the face, blooding their nose, all of this. Okay. To the point where Jeremy actually probably had a decision to make of whether we were allowed to keep doing it this year. So for this Christian school.
[4:34] Tell how many people actually attended. It was over 200, I believe, right? I think we ended up having about 230 people. There’s 400 students. I mean, about half of them are boys. So I don’t know. We probably had a little more than half the boys and a little more than half the moms. So that’s the most we’ve ever had. And I thought it was great. This is your favorite thing, Steph, because you can take out your aggression on our son and not get arrested. I can’t. It’s amazing. At least. It’s the best.
[5:00] And other people’s sons. I do not discriminate. discriminate i’ll take i’ll take all my aggression all of you guys love it every mom too is just like don’t ruin this for me yes this is my kids start crying nope we’re not doing this tonight so for me i don’t have a whole lot to share from this night because to me jeremy it was pretty tame there’s a couple things that happened this year the one that comes to mind was i saw katie the gladiator here running around laser tag and yelling at kids don’t take this personal don’t take this personal. Yep. And then just lighting them up. She said it so many times. It’s not personal. It’s not personal. It’s not personal. Shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot. It’s not personal. Yes. And then the kids would go to the desk, get a new gun, turn around, and Katie’s like, I’m so sorry. Click, click, click, click, click, click, click. And then their gun’s empty. And she’s like, okay, I’m really not that sorry. I’m really not that sorry. Sorry. Try harder next time. Yeah. A couple times, I just grabbed their gun and threw it. Ah.
[6:01] I took their gun and threw it away. Good luck finding that, kid. That explains a few of the guns I need to replace. Got it? All right. Why are these guns underneath the bleachers? Katie, I’ll be billing. But when we got there, we’re all dressed up. Stephanie and I are doing our stretches. We’re lunging. We’re stretching. And there was this mom who had work clothes on. She had a blazer. And she was like, oh, y’all are serious. And I was like, yes. And she was like, oh, okay. I just thought this was like something fun. And I was like, no. There’s nothing fun. This is not fun. I’m glad you got your blazer on because this is business.
[6:45] We’re going to go to work. We’re going to work these boys over.
[6:49] That’s what we’re doing. So I saw two moms, air quote, accidentally tackle boys playing dodgeball in the laser tag. The one woman, it was a teacher, went through one of the walls. Yes. And there was a boy on the other side, and she just smashed him. It was like a kindergartner, and she just smashed him. So then he’s crying, and she picks him up. I’m like, is his leg broke? He’s very dramatic. So she’s carrying him off, and she just hands him to me. And I’m the emcee of the event. I have the microphone. phone my wife’s a nurse actually i’m like what am i supposed to do with this kid i’m like are you okay and he’s just screaming i’m like what hurts and then finally i see his dad um who had was volunteering he came over and i just hand him to him and then the kid calmed down and then because he just got bum rushed right he had no idea right then i saw another mom she had the laser gun and it was tucked under her armpit and i made the comment when she was running past me like oh oh, that’s really smart. And she goes, my husband’s a police officer. He told me what to do before I got here. And so she’s like hiding the laser and stuff underneath her armpit and then shooting the boys and then hiding it again. And I’m like, that’s really good. Like her husband in the law enforcement is telling her, here’s how you do it. It’s how you conceal your weapon.
[8:07] So my favorite part of the entire night, for the most part, I was a sniper. Does that mean grab their gun and throw it across the gym? That’s what I resorted to when we weren’t winning. When we weren’t winning, I was like, all right, this plan is over.
[8:23] But prior to that, I was hiding and just sniping kids. And it was perfect because I had the same plan as last year. And I shouldn’t say it in this public forum because now they’re going to catch on to me. But I hide and I take them out like right as they’re getting their new guns, right? All their ammunition is full. So I just shoot them until their guns empty.
[8:44] Anywho, at one point, I was like, it is pitch black in here. These kids are not paying any attention. I was walking behind him. I was just stalking, walking him behind him and just shooting him. I was doing it to Sam. And one kid was like, Sam, your mom. Sam turned around, takes off running. And I was like, no, you don’t. So I’m running after him. So we run around the volleyball net because there was a barrier. Big H put a barrier there With like a parachute So you couldn’t see on the other side Steffi sees me running around the net With Sam She cuts him off You ran
[9:27] around the other side To cut him off, Steph? I went through the net She went through the parachute To cut him off He fell on the ground It’s like a fainting goat, He got so scared He just like went down out he’s like i just stood over him and just demolished the poor kid took the rest of his life even done that’s how you do it tag team at its finest i could see you ladies next year having your own like headgear walking talking to each other yes dude that is such a good idea we’re gonna make it happen yes yes we are a great idea for christmas yeah sam’s going around the net He’s going around the net. You get him. We’re going to ask for Santa.
[10:12] Santa. You got one on your six. Watch your six.
[10:18] Any stories, Big H? Yeah, so we’re almost ready to start. You guys are in that very first group. I had ordered some brand new guns. Super excited. They look cooler. They’ve got like lightning bolts on the side. I mean, overall, they look the same shape. So I know they’re the same company. And I have to buy new guns every year because people take them from kids and throw them on the ground.
[10:40] So i’m just like hey just to make sure i should have done this a while ago just to make sure i’m gonna go ahead and test these guns out make sure they cooperate with the old guns and i go to shoot and nothing happens but then i shoot the other one back and it takes away live so the new gun could be shot but could not shoot the old guns and i’m like oh i got a dilemma this is the biggest group i’ve ever had if i take out it was 12 guns about new if i take these 12 out i don’t think i I have enough. But if I leave them in, some people are just going to be shooting. Nothing happens. And the only thing they can do is shoot the other 11 new guns and they’d be okay. But if they shoot any of the 50 old guns, nothing happens. So this is a moral dilemma. Like, now what do I do? And I’m like, I’m not going to tell anybody. Let’s play. So they’re shooting. I do apologize to anybody who used one of the new lightning bolt guns that you were not really getting the full experience. Amber wasn’t happy with me when I told her about the new guns after the event was over. She’s like, a little heads up would have been nice. She said there was a point where she had, our son Clark only had one life left on his gun. She kept going for the new guns because obviously they’re the best. They’ll do us. So she’s like lighting him up and nothing’s happening. And with that one life, he keeps killing her and she can’t figure out what’s going on. She was so frustrated. I was like Amber I’m sorry I probably You had to tell her A heads up would have been good But I mean There’s so many things going on Yeah It wasn’t like I Deliberately left it You know Out of the story It just Didn’t even You know But she’s the only person Like you had to tell Right Alright Right My bad Amber.
[12:03] I’m trying to think If there’s anything else Oh Emmy Just got props to Emmy Like Emmy Emmy rocked everything that night She took pictures She was getting popsicles out For the end Hey what can I do What can I do She’s putting the curtain up Putting the curtain down Oh, that’s nice. And I actually felt, for me, I feel like I had the lowest energy I’ve ever had. And then I thought about it after the fact. Kevin’s running all things microphone in the gym. Emmy’s running all things hallway, all things snack. I had a guy, Tom, who was on the lights this year. He was on lights and music. So he’s just fading lights up. He’s bringing lights down. He’s turning music on. He’s pausing music if I’m talking. I mean, the only thing I had to do basically was give rules to the games. Hey, welcome. Thanks for coming. Rules to the games. And we’re off. I was kind of bored, to be honest. So you had a very important job in the beginning. I knew it, yes. Because you prayed for the safety. I did. I prayed for safety. As a strategic prayer. I looked at Steffi. I’m like, this is your fault.
[12:58] I did. You guys inspired me to pray. To actually pray over this. Like, do I need to lay hands on some of these moms too ahead of time? And I got to be honest, other than the story you told earlier about the little boy who got ran into, I’m not sure I saw tears at all. No. No. Not any. yeah that was good that was good it was amazing all right stuff i’ve got a question for you what’s your favorite book of all time uh obviously you met her where oh i thought you’re gonna say the bible oh oops, what’s your second favorite book of all time you met her where, a distant second totally distant it’s a pretty good book sorry god it’s still a pretty good book But we’re so excited. Where can people get our book? Okay, I know this. Yes. Barnes & Noble. Yes. And? And our website, And what happens if they buy it off our website? What do they get? Uh, an autograph from us. Yes. Who wouldn’t want that? So listeners, if you’ve already read the book, thank you so much. We’ve had such good feedback. One thing that helps us, if you can give us a review on, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much. And thank you for listening. Steph, let’s talk about what I did last weekend, going to Austin, Texas. I was going to say, cause it wasn’t cleaning the garage. It was not.
[14:25] You gave me a look at like what did you do last weekend i already forgot so steph allowed me to go on a two-day getaway that was like an unfair vacation you remember that it was a three-day saturday sunday monday i got back i left saturday morning got back monday afternoon i count three days okay three mornings three mornings okay so we were invited to joe serio’s 60th birthday party all right joe serio is one of the few repeat guests on tell us a good story he’s also connected us to a lot of the guests that we’ve had he’s the kevin bacon of tell us good story yes he’s been so incredibly helpful to us so he invited us to the birthday party and there’s going to be up to, I think, five of our former guests at this party. So I’m like, Steph, let’s try to make that because it’ll be wonderful to connect with some of these people. All right. So you politely declined, but you said, hey, Kevin, please go. It’s three days, two and a half, whatever. Well, I declined just because we have three children. So to get somebody to watch three kids for three, you know, it’s hard. It’s hard. But I still wanted us to be there. So I thought that would be a great big time for Kevin to have some guy time. Forget a face so he’s not gonna have a problem now he’s gonna be great he’ll remember everyone so here’s what typically happens when i show up somewhere without stuff.
[15:51] They’re like, oh, hi. Where’s your wife at? Is she in the bathroom? And it’s always like, oh, she couldn’t make it. And they’re just like, oh.
[16:00] But she’s the one we wanted to see. This happens all the time. Did you give a little more energy to feel like stuff? But that’s like literally any school sport activity where I show up and Steph’s not with me, the moms will come up, hey, where’s Steph at? Oh, but that’s like why I came tonight was I wanted to. She’s not here? Oh, is she with your other kids? Oh, okay.
[16:24] Well, it’s good to see you too. All right. And then they leave and they don’t even know my name. Good to see you too. So I have made this comment and Steph was like, no, that does not happen. Well, we went to church and I think you were either out in the van already or you, oh, you weren’t feeling good. Okay. So I went with the kids. So we’re leaving and a woman runs up to me and says, hey, where’s your wife at? Where’s Steph at? And I go, oh, she’s, she’s home sick today. day she’s like oh well okay we’ll tell her i said hi and when she gave that reaction emmy bust out laughing and so we get in the van and emmy’s like dad you’re right that’s what happens nobody wants to talk to you it’s all mom so that’s what i’m expecting to happen here right is i show up oh where’s your where’s your wife at and so everyone asked about you but they were still happy to see me, which, which was nice. Okay. Because that’s what typically happens.
[17:20] All right. So, um, I don’t know where to start here, but I don’t know any of this. Yes. I’ve saved it for right now. Oh, okay. So we, I got picked up by the airport by former guest Dennis Welch. Okay. So I spent the weekend with Dennis and his wife, Susie. And at Saturday night we go to Joe’s house and there’s probably probably 60 people at his house. Okay.
[17:43] And catered meal, everything. And so people would come up to me, I’d say hello to them. And I’m not great at parties. Right. And I, what I try to do is look around the room, like, okay, who’s having the most fun.
[17:55] Okay. Let me go talk to them. And that’s kind of what I try to do. Well, there were certain people that would be like, okay, so how do you know Joe? And this is after I would talk to them and got to know them. And then they would say, well, how do you know Joe? And I’d say that this is purely random, but my wife and I, we have a podcast and a national radio show it’s called tell us a good story and they’re like that’s you no i promise steph this happened multiple times no that’s you i go yeah that’s my wife and i we love you guys we love tell us a good story they’re like we’ve listened to the conversations you have with joe joe’s posted it or we’ve seen you post it and then we’d listen to it they’re like we love you guys oh they’re like that is so good and so then they start interviewing viewing me so this happened three to four times stuff okay why I was at this party talking to people that I did not know.
[18:45] So the one person, you know, we were talking about his job and he moved to Austin for construction and how Austin is just growing like crazy. Okay. Then when he flipped it and said, okay, how do you know him? And I said that the wife and me was like, oh my gosh, that’s you. I love your podcast. And then she told him, this is who we’ve listened to. And he’s like, oh my gosh, I love that. That is such a good podcast. Like that would be so much fun. Like he was envious of me and he’s like, okay. Then he starts interviewing me. What’s some of your favorite guests? And so I just told him, you know, a few and it was interesting because he was like flip the script, flip the script like that is really cool. The people you get to talk to and it made me kind of step back and like stuff. What we do with this is pretty cool. Like that people were talking to right now. I mean, it’s always been cool, but I mean, yeah, people you’re talking to right now, like my sister-in-law and my kids gym teacher. Yes, this is amazing. Thank you very much. Thank you. You are welcome.
[19:50] Gracing you with our presence so one thing we do have is we have friends and guests of the show who in my opinion have a higher opinion of us than we do ourselves fair would you say that’s 1000 there’s so many times where people will compare us to somebody or they’re like hey you know you should talk to chris pratt and we’re like oh okay um sounds great thank you for that recommendation do you have his number yes do you have do you know anybody who knows him like you guys would love him i’m like of course we would love him probably that’s been thrown out to the point where our producer and editor craig clausen actually has copied me on emails to chris pratt’s team requesting interviews now granted there has been zero responses it has been radio silence but to the point where craig is like hey i’m going to throw the net out there and see like i would not do that at this point into the universe like i’m pretty confident but maybe not that confident yet okay yeah so the people at this party are in that same boat stuff and this is going to make you cringe but this is what happened so i meet all these people then i want to eat all right well dennis and his wife suzy kind of like split at the table and allow me to sit at the corner of the table with them, okay? So I sit down to eat. There is someone sitting there that I did not recognize, okay?
[21:20] So he introduced himself, and I said hello, and then Dennis said, listen, you need to know Kevin. And he’s like, why is that? And he’s like, because he and his wife are the next Chip and Joanna Gaines. I knew you were going to cringe.
[21:35] The bar has been set. Yeah? So I knew you were going to cringe when you said that, okay? So I’m already uncomfortable. He introduced me as that. And I’m like, ooh. That’s something I love up to right there. Yeah, that’s a bar. And he goes, these people are going to be famous, so remember his face. And so when he said that, the perception of me immediately changed from, oh, hey, this is nice. Yeah, you’re from Ohio. OK, that’s cool. To, oh my gosh, can I get a picture with you?
[22:07] Stop. I’m not lying. So then he hits his phone to somebody. Steffi would have died. I would have gone to the bathroom. She would have gone to the bathroom. I would have come back. Your wife’s been gone a long time. I’m like, I’m out there hitchhiking. I’m like, get me out of here. Where’s the Uber? Can I get an Uber right now? Oh, Kevin. You’re a power walker. I know. That was a first for me. I would die. So now his perception has changed of me based on that introduction. I don’t know him. All right? Yeah. He asked for a picture of me. So I stand up, get a picture. Okay. You know what? This is how we’re different. I’m out there hoofing, trying to get an Uber. Kevin’s like, does anybody else want a picture with me? I was literally, Steph, I was cringing because this was a first for me as well. Like when you’re put in that situation, it’s like, ooh. And again, it’s your friends having a very high opinion of you. Which is so nice. Which is so sweet. But you’re like, are you sure? Yeah. I mean, like, how do you respond to that? Yeah. When someone introduces you, that way it’s like, ooh. I know how I respond. I just kind of shrug my shoulders a little bit. In the flesh. Don’t mind if I do?
[23:20] No, Kevin’s like this. Oh, sorry. You got to move. That’s my good side. Did you make him move? Did you tell him your good side? Do you actually say you have a good side? When I’m with Steph. He takes her good side. He’ll move. If they’re getting ready to stop, he’s like, just give me a second. A lot of times I’m doing it to be funny, but there’s a little bit of truth to that. You’re well on your way to being a celebrity, though. I want to see the picture that Dennis took and just see what side you’re on. Oh, I was on my good side. But I didn’t flip. I have to flip. Like, oh, excuse me. Oh, I just put this. I need to get this. Wait, let’s go over here. The lighting’s better over here. Let’s go over here. I didn’t know some people did it in real life. Like I thought it was just TV shows. Oh, that’s Kevin. You typically do have a better side. I got a long way to go. It’s so sad you know that. I loved you though for that. It’s amazing. So, but the fun fact, if you didn’t know it, they have the same side. Yeah. So he takes her good side. When you took the basketball picture of us, was he on his good side? I was.
[24:36] You know he was. With his heart. You know he was. Okay, sit back to the story. So I take a picture with this guy. All right. And then he leaves for a few minutes, comes back and he gives me his book. So this is his book that he wrote, signed it three cheers for Kevin and then puts his name in there. Tom, right? So he’d written a book. He is a professional speaker. So I think he’s, I think he’s retired now, but he’s actually a professional speaker. That’s how he knows Joe cereal. Ah, Well, I got kind of excited because it said the magic of change. I’m like, is he a magician? Let’s do the same thing. Is this Nate Bargetti’s dad? I would have lost my… If that was where the story went… If you went there, I would have lost my crap. I would have lost it. I met the magic man. If he would have came in in a costume, I would have lost it. Listen, that is not where the story goes, ladies, okay? Shoot.
[25:42] If you like what you hear, please tell someone about us. As soon as this episode is over, go tell your spouse, your closest friend, a parent, a co-worker, or share one of our posts on social media. However, if you don’t like what you’re hearing, please do not. Don’t tell anyone. Don’t tell anyone. Don’t tell anybody. Just disregard this message. Don’t worry about it. Forget about us. Yep. Go on with your merry day. And to get more information about us or our entire catalog of episodes, be sure to check us out at Thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.
[26:12] Okay, there were a few prior guests from Tell Us a Good Story at this party. All right, so Dennis is there, Joseria is there, and then after probably 45 minutes, guess who walks in the door? Jim Comer! Mr. Jim Comer. I love Jim Comer! So, folks, Jim Comer is 80 years old, okay? No, he’s not. No, he isn’t. He’s 80 years old. No, he isn’t. Yes. That’s a lie. He is 80, and he is one of three. three repeat guests on tell us a good story oh he’s all right so he’s amazing this man was in like broadway and an actor and he moved to new york city because he wanted to be rich and famous and then went on all these game shows right and was on like ten thousand dollar pyramid and jeopardy and went on their winning prizes and his uh his one partner was like lucille ball uh-huh ten a $10,000 pyramid and like fantastic stories. So funny. He is so funny. So he walks in and gets to the table and he comes around saying hello to people. And then I’m like, Jim, how are you doing? He’s like, hi. Hey, good to see you again. He’s no you. I don’t think he knows me. And so I shake his hand and then like I go in for a hug. He’s like, okay. Hey, good to see you again. So apparently he thought I was Joe Serio’s roommate who lived at this house. Okay. Right. And again, it’s one of those things, Jeremy, where I look at Joe’s roommate. I’m like, that looks nothing like me.
[27:35] This guy had zero hair on his head. And like, okay, yeah, I don’t know how you just mixed us up. He goes back, gets food, comes back, and sits down. And he sits down across the table. And you’re just staring at him? I’m not staring at him. With his good side. Do you remember? Remember me? Now do you remember? Now? So I turned to Dennis, who’s sitting beside me. And I said, I don’t think Jim knows who I am. And he’s like, I think he does. And I go, no, I’m serious. I don’t think he knows me. I was expecting a bigger reaction than that. And he goes, well, aren’t you easily offended?
[28:15] And i go no that’s not it i literally just think i was i was expecting a bigger reaction from him based on the conversations we’ve had yeah with him on tell us a good story yeah and he goes well you know what i’m not a gambler but i will bet you a hundred fake dollars he knows who you were all right and i go i will gladly take that bet and i will say he does not know who i am he’s like okay we will see so i was going to let him finish his meal all right and then i was going to go over and introduce myself all right so we are having a conversation dennis and then it’s probably maybe 15 minutes later jim is now sitting beside the gentleman who gave me his book all right he apparently asked who’s that guy sitting across the table from us and he’s like that’s kevin, Kevin from Ohio is like from Ohio. What part of Ohio? And Tom goes, I think you think he says from Columbus, Ohio, and he’s slams his hands on the table. And he’s like, Kevin and Steph from Columbus, Ohio.
[29:16] I go, Jim, it’s good to see you, sir. And he gets up and runs around the table. And I turned to Dennis and I go, that’s the reaction. I was like, got it. And so Dennis mimes getting his wallet out and handing me $100. So I stand up and he’s like, I can’t believe I’m meeting in person Kevin from Columbus, Ohio. And then gives me a hug. And then he was so excited to see us asking about you stuff and had a wonderful conversation. So then I hand my phone to an individual at the table who happens to be over 60 years old. And I said, hey, it is recording. Please record this conversation with Jim. So Jim records a message for you, Steph, and says, I am so excited. This just made my night. Steph, I miss you. I love you. It’s good to see your husband. I mistook him for Joe’s roommate, okay? And he’s just very animated. So Dennis, the individual over six years old.
[30:25] Hands the phone back to me and i look i’m like he hit record and stopped it okay so i hand it to him said it’s recording he then hit record and stopped it then he hands the phone back to me and it’s recording me right as i’m looking at the phone so then someone says give me the phone i know how to do it and so i hand her the phone i said go ahead and hit record cord so jim does the same thing again go through this stephanie it’s so good to see your husband i miss you so much love you okay then hands me the phone and now it’s now it’s recording me again.
[31:04] So i go into my mind like yes neither one of these people recorded either one of those messages from jim sorry jim and i was not going to ask him to do it a third time yeah no, Jim says hello stuff. That’s awesome. Okay. So let me tell you about Dennis. Okay. So at this party, they have karaoke. All right. I’m not a karaoke guy. No way. People ask me to karaoke. I’m like, no, I’m good. I’m good. I don’t do that. And if I were, I told Dennis, if I were to get up and do karaoke, one, I would try to find the shortest song possible. Don’t put Stairway to Heaven up there. Right. And I’m singing for eight plus minutes. Okay. I would find the shortest possible song. So Dennis is a professional musician, professional singer, songwriter. This man has written over 500 songs in his career.
[31:54] He goes to Nashville and will record songs. He is amazing. He’s the opposite of you in this situation. Meaning like he’s very comfortable doing karaoke.
[32:08] He’s a musician. You’re not. Okay, we got it. Good job, Katie. I am not a musician that is correct so sorry he so he is a professional guy okay so as they start doing karaoke i turn to him i go listen is this like fingernails on a chalkboard for you and he’s like yep pretty much like it’s tough for him to sit there and see somebody go up and do karaoke because he’s like oh like no like that he knows too much yeah right he knows too much so people would come over hey can you go up he’s like nope i can’t do it and they’re like why he’s like man i like i gotta have my guitar the sound has to be correct again he knows too much like he’s at a different level yeah when people ask him he’s like no i’m i’m good i can’t do it right like it just it would be like if we would record this right now and jeremy just puts his iphone on says okay okay, let’s do a podcast recording. I’d be like, oh, like no, the audience is gonna be awful and like same thing, right?
[33:09] One lady gets up there, does okay. It’s fine. So then next guy gets up there, and he is really into it. Like he’s really into this song. And I tell Dennis, I’m like, Dennis, this guy’s obviously sung this before. Like that is his go-to song. Because he’s into it. He’s like really taking this serious. Now his voice was pretty good. So he gets to the end. Everybody gives him a round of applause. And then he says into the microphone. Y’all i i just love to sing i’m an attorney here in austin i’m quitting my job and i’m moving to nashville and it’s like quiet and just like you got to be kidding me dude.
[33:54] Because dennis has lived this right he’s and so he turns he’s like is that guy serious please tell me he’s not serious and i’m like i will bet you a hundred fake dollars right now know he is as serious a heart attack and so i i go and find out the dude is serious he’s an attorney he’s 48 years old and he’s quitting his job he’s moving to nashville amen put it out there so next guy gets up and this is what i would have to do so he tells the guy to put on the song tequila all right so the song starts and then he this guy is a little heavy set he’s probably like 16 he’s He’s like, you know, just dancing to the music and stuff. And I’m like, oh, there’s no lyrics to this song. No, he’s just dancing. The only lyric is tequila. And then it’s like 30 seconds to it, he’s like, tequila!
[34:48] And then I bust out laughing because I realized what he did. Like, he picked the song. So smart. Yes, with no lyrics. So then by the second time through, everybody’s yelling out tequila with him. So he comes back. I’m like, hey, that was fantastic, sir. He’s like hey thanks i that song always gets a little wordy for me at times but uh i was able to you know power through it was like very funny yeah so then guess who gets talked into going up and doing karaoke oh you jim comer so jim goes up there i would have lost it i recorded it for you so i do have it on video okay okay now again jim comer has been on like broadway yeah right A trained actor, all of this. So he gets up there, and I think it was like Eliza Minnelli’s song or something. But the dude is 80 years old and killed it. As soon as he starts, it’s like, oh. You can tell he’s a performer. It is like he is on stage performing in front of the theater. Like he came alive. Yes. And so it gets everybody’s attention like, oh, wow, okay. And so strong voice, animated, and…
[36:00] It is literally like he’s on stage. Uh-huh. It was like, this guy is a trained actor in the theater. It was so good. So then he finishes, gets a standing ovation. It was fantastic. That’s awesome. It was absolutely fantastic. So that was like the highlight of the night. Is him finishing it off with karaoke, which was nice. Did Joe have a good birthday? Really good birthday. Good. Yes. Very good birthday. and was very surprised and very thankful that I was able to make it. That’s good. I’m thrilled I was able to go.
[36:35] All right, Steph, I’m going to test you again here. What is your favorite book of all time? Obviously, it’s the Bible, Kevin. Yes. Nailed it. Very good. This time, you didn’t say the book we wrote called You Met Her Where. But it’s still a really good book. That is true. And it would make a great gift for friends or relatives on their birthday or for Christmas. Friends, you can order your copy of our book titled, You Met Her Where? At And we will make sure to personally sign a copy for you or whoever you want. And as always, thank you for listening to Tell Us a Good Story.
[37:06] We got to wrap this up. So folks, we had a lot more stories to go through here, but Katie does have to leave the party. So we’re just going to shut this down for now. Why do I have to leave? Just start talking. I am talking. I have to leave because Sam has a tournament game tomorrow at 8 a.m. Okay. We have to be at the field at 7.15. Well, you’ll be up at 4, though, right? I will be. Okay. But I have to pack the snackle box. I have to pack everybody’s drinks. She has to walk the dog. I have to walk the dog. I have to do all the things. Because she’s a mama. Because I’m a killer. Yep. And we do all the things. We do all the things. I think the killer makes more sense than the black belt. Are you going to rip the pillow out from under your husband’s head tomorrow morning at 6.15? Yes. Wake up. Time to get your uniform on. Let’s go. Organize that garage real quick in the morning. Amen. I probably could. Yep, I bet you could. Was normal. Y’all, thank you for doing this. Thank you so much for volunteering your time. Have a fun conversation with us. We love you guys. Yay! Thanks for having us. We did it. Friends, we want to encourage you to please follow us wherever you listen to this, whether it’s on the Apple Podcast app, iHeartRadio, Spotify, or one of the other platforms. You guys, it’s completely free. And while you’re there, Feel free to give us a rating or a nice review Thank you for listening to Tell Us A Good Story.


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