Episode #898

Had to slip in some exciting new music and one big concert announcement, but the bulk of today's show is inspired by a recent trip down to Blue Note Park where I saw Andrew Neville & The Poor Choices tear through a set of stellar songs that had me thinking that Poor Choices sure do make excellent choices, so I stole a pile of classics off of their playlist and threw in a bunch of my own for a pretty solid set of music that'll have you eager to join me down at the Park this week for another sure-to-be-great Poor Choices show! Tickets are limited but available here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/andrew-neville-and-the-poor-choices-tickets-160294359745

It's a pretty incredible week all around at Blue Note Park. Hope to see you there! Whatever tickets remain are available here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/times-changed-high-amp-lonesome-club-18256543452

playlist: https://wp.me/p1lizT-eqF