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Instructions - Discuss Audio Book, multiple heart transplants and the rare experiences with the donor family

Two Time Heart Transplant Patient, Steven G. Taibbi, Meets Family of Donor
Following publication of GRATEFUL GUILT: Living in the Shadow of My Heart

Now Available in Audio on Google Play, Kobo, Walmart, Scribd, Chirp, Apple, NOOK Audiobooks, HiBooks and LibroFM

In a rare moment of extended family bonding, Steven Taibbi (author of Grateful Guilt: Living in the Shadow of My Heart) - a two time heart donor recipient - just met with the family of the recent donor. The donor, David Jason Jocobo, a healthy 36 year old man, suffered a brain aneurysm and collapsed in front of the family, dying just three days later. A multiple organ donor, he has now saved many lives, including that of Mr Taibbi.

The family, that did not originally respond to the thank you from Mr. Taibbi, would later contact him when they were ready. The donors mother expressed their desire to meet him in a note. Steven arrived with a stethoscope in hand, should they wish to listen to the heart of their son and father beating in Steven's chest. All of the women in the family (mother, sister, daughter, ex-wife and aunt) took turns listening, while the male members (father and sons) opted not to listen. They informed Steven that night, they consider him family now. Statistically, only 3% of donor families answer any cooresponde nce, let alone meet the recipient and it someetimes does not go well. However, in this case the donor's mother expressed her joy that her son's life helped not only save Steven's life, but several others as a multiple organ donor.


Do you remember when cable television was so new that "Lifetime" was a show and not a network? And when Dr. Ruth shocked the nation with her cable show, "Good Sex with Dr. Ruth"? Steven was among the group that worked on those and many of the other original cable shows. with Joan Lunden, Joy Philbin, Cyndi Lauper, Richard Lewis as hosts early in their careers and, of course, guest stars.

ALL while being told he had an expiration date ... that , to date, gratefully has not come.

“I've been told I have a year to live 3 different times and I've beaten it 3 different times. How did I do it? I've found that there are certain fundamental things I had to do immediately if I wanted to live and prove the doctors wrong:” - Steven Taibbi

Topics and Tips to survival discussed include:

o Living with an experation date.
o Communicating with the donor families and they like to listen to the heart of their loved one beating him his chest.
o Getting over ones self almost instantly - When feel sad and sorry for oneself, express it and get it out of your system. Allowing yourself almost no time or room for a pity party and that gives you strength and determination to come out of the situation on the other side alive and healthy.
o Putting on mental armor, sword in hand, pull down the visor on my helmet and prepare to do battle.
o I make sure of my attitude. There is only one attitude you allow yourself to have and that is gratitude:
o You can't do battle and cry at the same time. It's impossible.
o Be your own advocate, in a very active way. Watch caregivers carefully, especially during sterilization protocols.
o Dignity should be kept intact to the highest level the situation will allow.
o A sense of humor and the use of humor has actually saved lives.
o Wear your own clothes at the hospital helps you keep your dignity in tact and you are treated differently than if you are in a gown.
o Maybe most important, be extra super polite to everyone who comes into your room, be it an office visit or a hospital stay. Make friends with everyone. If they like you, they will want to help me even more.