Sondra Sneed is the author of WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU’RE DEAD; A FORMER ATHEIST INTERVIEWS THE SOURCE OF INFINITE BEING (Rainbow Ridge Books, 2013). She facilitates personal conversations with God in soul readings for clients worldwide and performs on stage around the country, delivering “Source Talks” in a semi-trance state. THINK: Neale Donald Walsch meets Esther Hicks. In her work, she has helped women and men out of the despair and loneliness that stems from self-forfeiture and self-denial. She is a spiritual development coach and has encouraged thousands to rebuild their relationship with self-love, whether they are single or in committed relationships. Sneed’s bi-annual column for Texas Weddings Magazine feature’s spiritual advice on true love.
Ms. Sneed has clocked over 3,600 soul readings, since 2014, advising on topics from spiritual development to soul healing, career advice to relationship counseling. She also contributes Source-guided advice for her “Dear Godscribe” blog, and for listeners on radio call-in shows and podcasts. She teaches True Love principles in a bi-annual column for “Texas Weddings Magazine.”

The Kevin Moore Show, (a paranormal niche YouTube channel with 90k subscribers), featured Sondra in a recent docuseries — “They Call Us Channelers.”


Sondra Sneed Soul Reading
In addition to life purpose and relevant past-life experiences, Source takes the attendees deep into psychic sensations, developing latent spiritual talents, awakening future psychics, mediums, empathic healers, telepaths, and channelers for the benefit of their paths. Her sessions also help clients heal from psychological/childhood traumas. They help relieve chronic depression and self-injury. Source, through Sondra, teaches self-love practices, which in turn help mend relationships among family, friends, and romantic partnerships. They prepare the single for true love and teach the committed better patience and mutual understanding.

Source presents opportunities that, when pursued, cause a turnaround of fortune into self-abundance, guiding the spiritual student to a more regular practice.

For the elderly, the sick, and the dying, soul readings aid in well-being, focused on finding joy before death, so the soul transitions with peace of mind.