The journey has been long and arduous, necessary and liberating ~

at every turn, at the end of every blind alley, someone has lit a lamp.

~ now it is time for me to shine some light for you ~Healing Trauma
There is no modality that can heal trauma without including nature herself. Without access to fresh air, quiet and rest within nature, we cannot completely heal. Healing happens out-of-doors. Lying on the Earth, surrendering to her care as we work with our minds and hearts, allows the full surrender that is necessary to let go of the holding patterns of trauma and restore our life-force. A garden, a park, a tree, a lake ~ ocean, desert, mountain ~ sitting outside at dawn and sunset, gazing up at stars ~ this is what we need to truly heal. We can bring the mind to rest inside, but to bring our bodies to rest we need to be in nature. This Earth Light pervades us, grounds us and reminds us, in our bones, of who we really are.

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Trauma knocks us off our feet and leaves us ungrounded. Our adrenal system propels us into Flight, Fight or Freeze ~ the urgent heightened extremes of Fire, Metal and Water ~ and there we stay, in extremis, with our tether to Earth now broken. We have to find a way to turn back to that moment, without re-living it, but to release that past experience and find our ground again.

Trauma can be healed. You don’t have to learn to live with it, to tolerate it, it can heal.

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A Snapping Wishbone
How to heal Trauma and restore your Life-force
This is a book I have written at the request of some of my clients. In it I describe the paradigm we fall into when trauma kicks in our adrenal response and propels us into defensive strategies. These strategies initially work of course, but over time they get us stuck in a dysfunctional triangle that causes us great suffering. The three adrenal responses are Flight, Fight and Freeze and the ensuing drama of our lives becomes the endless round of Rescuer, Perpetrator and Victim. The place of rescuer propels our need and greed, feeding the drama. The place of perpetrator is cold and cunning, forceful and invasive. The place of victim is quiet and stagnant, self-pitying and withdrawn. We get trapped in these places. Until we go back to the time and place of the original trauma, gently and without re-living it, we cannot move on in our lives or step beyond that initial adrenalin reaction.

My work with each person is to guide them back, with a quiet and kind mind, to that time and place where harm arose in their lives. Then we meet the part of them still stuck in that moment and we listen. Carefully we guide that part (the inner child or young adult within) through the unburdening of their trauma. Then the story can move forward and the adult client can move on in their life, no longer trapped in the triangle, but aligned once again with their essential life-force and intended path, their feet firmly touching Earth once again. They regain what was lost when trauma arose.

We get knocked off course by these traumas in our childhood, in our younger years, and we tend to think we just have to learn to cope with that. I have found however that trauma can be healed ~ we can move on in a new and different way, more complete, restored, whole again.

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I work with people once a week for between six weeks and six months. It rarely takes longer. Each session takes about an hour and a half. I work by Zoom video meetings and will send you a simple clickable invitation. This allows me to work internationally and it allows you to be in your personal space. The first half hour conversation is free since we need to feel comfortable to go forward together. Please get in touch if you feel I can help you.

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Here are the first two chapters of the book, with intro : you may use them and share them as you wish ~ but only if you honour the source. Thank you.