Sam Bennett founded to provide a secure, compassionate, structured, goal-oriented environment for creatives of all stripes, as well as for people who don’t typically think of themselves as creative but who want to live more innovative, productive and fulfilled lives.
Our watchwords are: kindness, authenticity, creativity, good humor and a commitment to being exceptionally literate.
You know how they say our bodies are 65% water?
Well, Sam believes that our souls are 65% creativity.
Creativity is as natural and essential a part of your well being as breath. It’s just a matter of how you choose to apply your creativity in your pursuit of more joyful and more meaningful life.
Your area of creative genius is the area where you just seem to have a “knack.” The realm in which others might get confused, but you find it easiest to solve problems.

So you may have a natural gift for art, music or movement, but you may also have creative gifts in engineering, cooking, child-rearing, human relationships, math, party-throwing, gardening. There’s no limit to the ways in which your creativity can express itself.

And when you lean in to your creative gifts, you can accomplish great things.

But it can be tough to stop procrastinating and get what matters most to you done.

That’s when it’s time to tap into Sam’s wealth of experience as a creative and a business builder who’s worked with thousands of creatives — just like you – as trusted guide, coach and mentor. With options for every creative goal and budget, you too can get personal access to Sam’s experience and wisdom.
A highly creative seeker looking for inspiration, supportive community and just a pinch of structure…

Request Access to Sam’s Facebook Group for Highly Creative People
An idea person with so many ideas about so many things but also find it really difficult to see those ideas all the way through to completion…

Checkout the Procrastination Domination Workshop
A creative entrepreneur or professional wanting to discover the success secrets of other highly creative people…

Apply for Sam’s Pro Club
Sam Bennett is here to help you bring your creative dreams and your big ideas to life.
Because your creativity matters. Every single day.
Samantha Bennett is a writer, speaker, actor, teacher and creativity-productivity specialist and author of the bestselling, “Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day” (New World Library), which Seth Godin described as “An instant classic, essential reading for anyone who wants to make a ruckus.”

Her latest bestseller is, “Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers and Recovering Perfectionists” (New World Library).

Sam is the creator of the The Organized Artist, a company Sam founded specifically to help creative people get unstuck, so you can focus and move forward on your goals.

She has a gift for authentic marketing, having spent 15 years as a Personal Branding Expert for Sam Christensen Studios. She was honored by some of the best marketers in the world as an Ultimate Marketer Finalist at Infusioncon 2010.

As an actor, her work in the theatre includes a long affiliation with the legendary Second City Theatre in Chicago, and in Los Angeles she’s done extensive work with LA Theatreworks, The Open Fist Theatre Company and ComedySportz. Her television appearances include The Drew Carey Show, Strong Medicine, Days of Our Lives and Modern Family.

You Can Do It. I’ll Show You How.

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The Organized Artist Company
1072 Casitas Pass Road, #198
Carpinteria, CA 93013