Hearing the Angels Sing: A True Story of Angelic Assistance (Includes a 70 minute CD of Peter's Music)

By Peter Sterling

A must-read for anyone drawn to the angels, and for those who already know what a salve Peter s music is to the souls of the openhearted and the spiritually minded, the book will yet further deepen your enjoyment of Harp Magic. Timothy Wyllie, Author of Dolphins, ETs & Angels, The Return of the Rebel Angels, and coauthor of Ask Your Angels There have been musicians throughout history whose hands seem to be guided by unseen forces. Possessing inexplicable musical genius, the exquisite beauty of their songs has enchanted and mystified audiences the world over, somehow connecting us closer to heaven. Peter Sterling is one such musical treasure. A harpist of extraordinary skill, Peter's eclectic music touches the lives of a faithful and growing global audience. Devoted listeners have consistently reported greater peace, spiritual visions, and even miraculous healings while listening to his heavenly albums, suggesting the power of his uncanny musical gifts, particularly unusual for a man with no formal training.
Who is Peter and how did he become an emissary for the angels? Hearing the Angels Sing: A True Story of Angelic Assistance (Light Technology, June 2012) takes readers on a extraordinary journey into Peter's delightfully magical world, a world that follows a trail of synchronicities and angelic guidance through the challenges, distractions, revelations, and obstacles he encounters on the road to becoming a world-class harpist in service to the angels. With unusual candor, Peter reveals the personal details of his life: his devotion to spirit, yoga, meditation, mystical and shamanic journeys, his struggles with ego, materialism, and misguided authorities providing entrance into the reality where the angels can be felt and experienced. Along the way readers receive insights into the true nature of the angels and the heavenly realms, as well as information about the 2012 galactic alignment, DNA activation, angelic ascension, multidimensional realities, vortices, portals, and stargates.

Hearing the Angels Sing includes a 70-minute CD of Peter s most beloved pieces of music. Quite possibly it was the effects of the Ritalin Peter was given as a child for hyperactivity; nevertheless as a spiritually attuned youngster, he began having out-of-body experiences. In the tradition of ancient shamans and other prominent figures of the 20th century such as Aldous Huxley, Terrance McKenna, Dr. John Lilly and others, Peter s shamanic experiences have opened doors to celestial realms, offering glimpses into realities that few perceive. His 25-plus years of "deep space exploration" have provided him with a vast body of knowledge, designed to enable humanity to understand what exists beyond what meets the eye, opening us to new dimensional awareness. Peter truly is an ambassador for the present times. From his early roots in southern California to the Rocky Mountain-high ski slopes of Aspen exploring the ancient temples of the Maya, climbing the red rocks of Sedona and ultimately to the highlands of Peru Peter s journey is illuminating, adventurous and spiritually rewarding. Beautifully written and evocative, Hearing the Angels Sing is a wildly fantastic new age multidimensional ride that demonstrates the reality of the angels and reveals their extraordinary ability to assist and effect change in our lives. Readers can expect to be moved and inspired by Peter's magical journey.