Topics & Questions that apply more to A NEW NOW

Groom Your Destiny

· What is someone’s journey through existence?

· What do you mean by “Groom Your Destiny”?

· What are the four critical choices someone can make about their destiny?

A New Paranormal You

· What is the New Now you write about in your new book A NEW NOW?

· Can someone influence who they will reincarnate as in their next life?

· What powers can someone obtain by working with your book A NEW NOW?

Preparation for a New You

· What do you mean by a “New You”?

· What preparation can someone engage in?

· What does love have to do with becoming paranormal?

Topics & Questions that apply more to IN SEARCH OF LOST LIVES


· What was your preparation for recovering 88 past lives?

· Can anyone recover their past lives?

· Did you have any paranormal powers in past lives?

The Creation’s Purpose

· What is the creation’s purpose?

· What is mystic transport?

· Who is going to return to the Godhead, the Source of Being?

Secrets of the Soul

· What does the soul want and how is that expressed?

· What is the soul’s bind?

· Does the soul have any allies?

· What can people do to empower their soul?

You have the power within you to liberate your soul from the mind's
dominance and achieve reunion with God. The forty-nine intuited meditations
of The Contentment Dividend take you on a journey of discovery toward
realizing your true spiritual self, understanding the immortal truths of
existence, and focusing your mind and life to achieve contentment.

If you have ever wanted to comprehend the yearnings and role of your lower
mind, higher mind, and soul, if you have ever desired to realize your
fullest potential of goodness and love, and if you seek truths that will
illuminate your life, The Contentment Dividend offers answers and riches.

The meditations are sourced in my many decades-long study and practice of
the teachings of realized Masters and true Saints. These are the fully
God-realized humans who come to awaken us to our unlimited spiritual
potential. By engaging with the meditations, you will access the wisdom of
your higher mind, heighten your receptivity to grace, and undergo a
revolution in how you navigate life's challenges.