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The Way of Miracles is a groundbreaking film that takes us on a journey of human healing and personal empowerment. Miracle recoveries and their underlying science are explored and uncovered in this thought-provoking documentary.

Blending lessons from traditional western medicine and ancient holistic systems, this film follows the work of holistic practitioner Dr. Mark Mincolla, with compelling interviews from celebrated luminaries in the field including Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton and many others.

Viewers discover how to harness the power of healing by exploring how the energetic properties of food, thought, and emotion affect immunity, chronic inflammation, and the genetic expression of disease.

Ultimately it leads us to an understanding of the higher self and alignment with universal love.

As East meets West, and ancient systems converge with cutting edge science, we are finally understanding the way of Miracle Healing and forging a path into the future of medicine.


The Way of Miracles is an adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen— we create them! According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, developing our superconscious mind and recognizing the divine source that exists within each of us is what generates miracles. A wholistic physician for more than three decades, Mark used his own techniques and learnings to cure himself of a life-threatening illness. In The Way of Miracles, he shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect.