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Leading a business can be hard and difficult, especially when you answer to a higher calling and are aware of your potential for Kingdom Impact, You might find that you don't have time to strategically think about how to move forward. It is easy to get stuck and not know where to look for the answers to your questions.

Do you feel stuck and alone because you feel like you have to be one that does everything for your business?
Ever wish you could spend one full day with other entrepreneurs, CEOs, business owners, learning their best ideas so you don't have to recreate the wheel on everything in the business?
Do you want a chance to have your problems heard, analyzed, and solved by CEOs who have been there, and who have figured out solutions to the problems that are slowing you down?
Do you know that you need to learn faster in order to keep up and to get ahead in the marketplace, but don't feel like you know what to learn or how to keep up?
Do you want to accomplish all of the above in a spirit that follows the purpose deep in your heart, to hear the words, “Well Done.”
Imagine having a talented and experienced personal advisory board of like-minded experienced business owners and CEOs, all committed to eternal success. Imagine having the monthly resources and discipline to focus on the most important (not just urgent) issues in your work and life. Imagine having a trustworthy facilitator/coach committed to ensuring that this process takes place using ‘best practices’ filtered through the lens of business experience. Imagine doing all of this with others who also want to hear “Well Done.”