Tao Calligraphy Healing Field
An Information System with Six Sacred Tao Techniques To Empower You
to Heal and Transform Your Life
By Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

Renowned Tao Grand Master Makes Secrets of Tao Calligraphy Healing Accessible to Anyone

When Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha learned a special form of Chinese Calligraphy ("Yi Bi Zi") at the arm of Professor Li Quiyun, the sole lineage holder of "the supreme teacher" of the imperial court of the last Chinese emperor, it was far more than a beautiful art form. While traditional calligraphy has multiple separate strokes to create a letter or word, Yi Bi Zi is done with one continuous stroke. After mastering this unique form, Master Sha went on to create Tao Calligraphy.

Tao Calligraphy is "Oneness Writing" and each figure--more than just a communication--is imbued with the incredible healing power of Tao Source, the unfathomable energy that creates all things and animates life. When Master Sha writes Tao Calligraphy, he connects with Tao Source, sacred wisdom, practices, codes, saints, buddhas and more to infuse this into each character-creating a healing field. As a result, if someone traces meaningful figures like those that represent love, forgiveness, harmony, flourishing, compassion, service, etc., "what you trace you become."

The power of Tao Calligraphy, along with other five sacred Tao techniques that Master Sha has been able to discern through his gifts, is that this "information system" carries the ability to clear out all of the negative "shen qi jing" (what equates to our energetic programming or messaging system) that prevents the free flow of energy in the mind, body, consciousness, heart and energy channels. Restored to their pristine state, without illness, relationship issues, financial struggles, and emotional challenges, our lives become happy, successful, prosperous, and joyful. And Master Sha is making this remarkable healing practice accessible to anyone in his book Tao Calligraphy Healing Field: An Information System with Six Sacred Tao Techniques to Empower You to Heal and Transform Your Life.

Master Sha is a renowned Tao grand master, healer, spiritual teacher, and the author of over 25 books, including 11 New York Times bestsellers. He was born in the Shaanxi province of China and became interested in healing at a very early age when he observed members of his family and community with a variety of illnesses. He decided to become a doctor to do whatever he could to relieve suffering and help people to live healthier and happier lives.

When he saw and experienced the power of traditional treatments, he also became interested in learning traditional Chinese medicine and Eastern arts. At the early age of six, he was accepted by the first of several masters to study tai chi, eventually becoming a grand master of tai chi, feng shui, I Ching, and the Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong.

Master Sha has an MD degree in Western medicine in China and is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and a certified acupuncturist. He went on to combine his years of study and experience to create the Soul Mind Body Science system and the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field., He has taught self-healing practices to thousands around the world who have overcome physical pain, chronic illnesses, stress, depression, anxiety, and found unique techniques to heal relationships and find more success in business and finances. He currently has a dozen teaching and healing centers around the world.