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Book: The High Sign
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The High Sign Identifies Celestial Event Heralding the Day of the Lord
Orlando, FL, TN, May 17, 2021 ― The occasion of Jesus’ Second Coming, referred to in the Bible as the Day of the Lord, continues to a be a source of great fascination — and speculation — among believers. But the exact day of this event, according to Jesus himself, should not be the primary focus, explains Bible scholar David S. Heeren. Instead, it is important to both understand and recognize the celestial sign that will herald Jesus’ return.
In his latest book, The High Sign, Heeren compellingly reveals 200 prophetic images and 24 dramatic events mentioned throughout the Bible that support his unique interpretation of the Bible’s end time prophecy.
Heeren was inspired to write The High Sign after experiencing his own prophetic event of sorts. While reading Isaiah 6:8, Heeren says he decided to pray Isaiah’s prayer: “Here am I, send me.” It was after that day when the meaning of many biblical passages began to crystalize for Heeren, and the message of The High Sign started taking shape, Heeren explains.
“The next day, I started perceiving a pattern in Isaiah’s prophetic imagery looking beyond the life of Jesus on earth to the era of his prophesied Second Coming on what the Bible refers to as the Day of the Lord,” Heeren says. “This was a noteworthy first for me because for a half-century before then, I had read biblical prophecies with great fascination but negligible understanding. Suddenly, I was beginning to make sense of some of the Bible’s most mysterious passages.”
Within weeks, he says, he found 40 prophetic images supporting his first impression concerning the identity of the celestial sign of Jesus’ Second Coming, and that number eventually grew to the 200 individual points he explains in The High Sign, leading Heeren to arrive at a conclusion no one else has reached yet.
“There is not a single contradictory point of evidence, at least none that I found, and I have studied this specific subject now for 16 years,” he adds.
Heeren also explores in detail the Flood of Noah, the demolition of Sodom, the plagues of the Exodus, and the arrival and Second Coming of Christ — and how astronomical events are tied to each. To help readers recall his main ideas, Heeren provides summarization points at the end of each chapter, and concludes his book with a list of seven things for Christians to do to prepare for the Day of the Lord.
David S. Heeren is an award-winning journalist and author of 17 books. He used his background in mathematics and logic to create Tendex, the first internationally used statistical system for rating professional and college basketball players. Nine of his books have Christian themes, including the Online Book Club Book of the Day The High Sign, Day of the Lord, What the Bible has to Say about the U.S.A., The Sign of His Coming and God…or not? To learn more, please visit: (