Christopher Lee Maher
Founder, True Body Intelligence®

At the age of 22, Christopher Lee Maher was a Navy SEAL, in his prime with a sleek 1.8% body fat and pound for pound, he was one of the fittest people on the planet. He was also completely unaware of the full impact that stress would eventually have on his physical, mental, energetic, and emotional wellbeing.

He trained all day long, at a level on par with professional athletes. In fact, after the SEALs, he began focusing on his dream of making it to the US Olympic trials, in track and field. A lack of awareness of the impact of high stored stress loads kept him from ever manifesting his dream.

The paradox is that Christopher’s internal health was compromised and he didn’t even know it.

Like many high performing athletes, he dealt with pain on a semi-consistent basis. Over time, that escalated to pain in every joint, in his feet, lower back, and neck. He was headed for a full-blown hip replacement, resorted to reading lips because his hearing was shot, and his vision wasn’t much better. He barely slept and spent his days like a zombie.

How could a person in peak condition be so unhealthy, and yet, so unaware, particularly when others saw him as a model of peak physical health?

Piled-up stress causes severe and traumatic damage over time—what Christopher calls Strauma, a combination of stress plus time that transforms into trauma.

Anyone who has been under complex stress loads or abuse has enough to cause serious emotional, energetic, and physical damage. Even if you have a tiny amount of stress every day, it eventually adds up and stunts your evolution.

Through intense pain, Christopher devoted all of his energy, time, and resources seeking out answers that would alleviate his discomfort. Eventually finding relief, Christopher applied the learned techniques and worked on himself 5 to 6 hours every day for 7 years. He put every biological system that was out of balance back in balance.

This process led to a deep understanding of what it takes for the body, mind, energy, and emotions to perform optimally.

Stored emotional stressors will eventually reveal themselves in physical, energetic, and mental limitations.

Christopher went on to study at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and Yo San University where he learned Traditional Chinese Medical Practices and an equal amount of Western science and pathology. He has spent the last decade studying at The Universal Healing Tao System and is a Master student of Grand Master Mantak Chia at the Universal Tao Master School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He is currently pursuing his masters and doctoral degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

From his own relentless search to evolve and heal himself, he now innately understands the correlation between the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a being.

His knowledge and experience led him to develop a comprehensive system of total physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and integration: the True Body Intelligence technology.

You won’t find much online about Christopher, as his clients built his practice through word of mouth. With his help, his clients have succeeded at the highest levels in sports, entertainment, business, medicine, and international politics.

Christopher’s practice is located in Los Angeles, CA. He is an author, inventor, entrepreneur, speaker, coach, and innovator in the fields of health, wellness, and longevity.