Coach Kevin Hickey,
Today we are talking to Coach Kevin Hickey. Coach Hickey is currently an assistant coach for Coach Scott Sorenson at Northland College. Coach Sorenson has been the leader of this D3 college in Wisconsin for the past 11 seasons. I met Coach Kevin during my last year working for Coach Rob Murphy at Eastern Michigan. I was blown away with his story. As we all know, life happens. And, Kevin is a great example of this. He started his college education at Bowling Green University. At BG, Coach Kevin was both a student assistant coach and video coordinator for Coach Louis Orr. Life happened and Coach Kevin left college to tend to his mother, who was having some health issues. In the meantime, Coach Kevin would then go to work for Coach Jimmy Reddy at Canton High School. Coach Kevin would assist Coach Reddy and coach the freshman and JV teams at Canton. Making the decision to return to college, Kevin enrolled at Eastern Michigan. He finished his degree as a student assistant coach with the EMU Men’s program. After graduating from EMU, Coach Kevin was hired by Coach Ricky Yahn at Concordia University. After gaining incredible experience working for Coach Ricky, he was hired by Coach Scott this past summer. Coach Kevin is in year one with the Northland College men’s basketball program. If you are a coach, who has been told numerous times that you can’t be a college coach - for numerous reasons - then, this is a conversation for you. Coach Kevin’s story will INSPIRE you to continue to chase your dreams.

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