Previous Episode: Cults and Currency

On today’s episode of TMWYK, we ponder death and what comes after. Maybe you’ve thought about what you want done with your body once you pass to the other side. Perhaps cremation, or a classic six-feet-under situation. How about cryonics? That’s what we’re talking about today. Freeze yourself in time and cross your fingers that science advances enough to reanimate you at some point in the future.

And then, we’re taking the red pill and venturing down the rabbit hole into virtual reality. The dream of putting ourselves into a computer program has been around a long time. Early devices that mimicked depth were made as far back as the 1830’s. Fastforward to today and we’re using computers and headsets the size of ski goggles to make all your wildest dreams, and I’m sure fantasies, come true. Pinch yourself. This is not a simulation.