In this episode, the gang talks favorite podcast genres, wearable interaction, the future of smart things and a life untethered.

TEKTOK Show Notes

Episode #: 13

Date: 04/20/15

Hosts: Clay Russell,  Brian Feldhaus, Todd Wright & Sam Strickland.                                          


TEK Topics

Brian: Podcasts

Do you only listen to tech related or other genres or not at all?

Todd: Wearables

When does interaction become too much?

Sam: Future Smart Things

What things in your life do you wish were smart/smarter?

A: You guys!!!!!!

Clay: Living an Untethered Life

If the new Macbook is any indication, we are looking at a future without cables or wires. Are you ready for that or will you be pulled into the future kicking and screaming?


Sweet & Sour TEK

Brian:  Sour…..Periscope/ Sweet….Western Digital My Cloud

Todd: Mortal Kombat X

Sam: Pebble Support

Clay: The new Macbook


How to Reach Us

Where you can reach the TEKTOK gang

Donny - @donnybenfield on twitter

Brian - @bwfeldy on twitter

Todd - @toddw on twitter

Sam - @samdakark on twitter

Patrick - @LSULaw2009 on twitter

Clay - @clayrussell on twitter, on Google+ or visit my site at


In Closing

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