In this episode, the gang talks Apple Pay, customer service, device upgrades and the tablet as a primary computer.

TEKTOK Show Notes

Episode #: 7

Date: 10/27/14

Hosts: Donny Benfield, Brian Feldhaus, Todd Wright and Sam Strickland

TEK Topics


1 - Apple Pay

2 - Will Apple Pay and Google Wallet catch on?

3 - What is the deal with Current C and is this a threat?

Brian:  Customer service    

1 - Do you buy or use technology based on user experience or customer service?

2 - Do you believe companies can improve on customer experience or do they really care?

3 - Have you ever dropped a particular company because of customer service?

Todd: How upgradable do your devices need to be?

1 - phones/tablets?

2 - laptops?

3 - desktops?

Sam: Tablets as primary computers

1 - Is this something you’d consider?

2 - Why hasn't the general public adopted tablets?

3 - What do tablets need to do to take over the laptop market?

Sweet & Sour TEK of the Week

Donny: Scratch/Yosemite

Brian: The Room 2 for Android The Room 2 for iOS from Fireproof Games

Todd: I'm Note telling!

Sam: Unread: RSS Reader

How to Reach Us

Where you can reach the TEKTOK gang

Clay - @clayrussell on twitter, on Google+ or visit my site at

Donny - @donnybenfield on twitter

Brian - @bwfeldy on twitter

Todd - @toddw on twitter or

Sam - @samdakark on twitter

In Closing

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