There’s a Lot to Love About Leasey in 2022!

Lots of people are talking about the product Leasey this year. Leasey is a power-house of tools and services to support the JAWS screen-reader, ZoomText Fusion or ElBraille.

In the upcoming Tek Talk, learn about just some of what is new in the most recent updates. Find out how easy it is to work with YouTube, EBay, Amazon, WhatsApp and more. Brian from Hartgen Consultancy will guide you through some of the most recent innovations. He cannot demonstrate them all as there are so many, but he’ll get through plenty of them. Plus he’ll give you a glimpse of a major feature now under development. That is a Tek Talk exclusive!

Brian will also give you an overview of training courses available from Hartgen Consultancy including the new Opening Windows scheduled for later this year.

Presenter Contact Info
Email: [email protected]


Telephone (in the UK): 02921-051325

Telephone (in the United States of America): 239-256-7779