We get a chance to talk to two puppy raisers for Canine Companions from Tehachapi. Chris Estes and Madysen Rail stop by with their puppies in training Mathew and Waldo VI. Chris and Madysen volunteer their time along with their families raising puppies that will become service dogs for people with various needs and disabilities. Chris and Madysen share stories of how these dogs once they have completed training will go on to do amazing things with their matched human companion. CC is currently looking for additional puppy raisers to help get these dogs beginning at 8 weeks old through their next 18 months of puppy training before they are turned over to advanced training and eventual placement as a service dog. There is training to become future puppy raisers here in Tehachapi and they also have a mentor program to help get new puppy raisers through the initial steps of preparing a future service dog. More information can be found at Canine.org or send us an email [email protected] and we will forward to Chris and Madysen.