If you're on Instagram, you'll probably know today's guest for colourful illustrations and mindful musings on supporting our own wellbeing. In episode 44 Helen Wills talks to Stacie Swift about how to convince teenagers to start journaling to develop positive mental health practices.

Stacie is a mum of three, and an illustrator who creates the prettiest posts, with the most gorgeous words on wellbeing and self-care. She’s now published a book - The Positively Awesome Journal (affiliate link) – to inspire people to start journaling, and it’s characteristically both GORGEOUS to look at, and thought provoking and inspiring to work through.

As Stacie says, the journal is "A reminder that you matter too.” And THAT is something that I think we’re all in need of remembering, every day.

How journaling supports teen mental health

Stacie says she turned to her drawings and musings when she was a teenager herself, and found it gave her space for her own feelings, to process difficult things in her life, and feel better equipped to tackle daily problems.

All of us feel pressure to focus on "doing better," on what we did wrong, and teenagers have more pressure on them than ever before. Stacie's journal encourages time spent looking at our achievements, and the things that are good in our lives, as well as giving space to acknowledging when life is difficult. She describes journaling as an anchor in life.

Designed to promote and encourage mental well-being, it is the perfect pick-me-up to help keep you uplifted, motivated and understood. You can finally write that ‘not-to-do’ list, prioritise your tasks, learn how to set social media boundaries, make your own luck, complete a feeling forecast, create a dream log, fill out a meal plan, give thanks, celebrate your progress and find plenty of room for self-reflection - all in one safe place.

Stacie is very down to earth, and describes herself as a work in progress where wellbeing is concerned, so she's very easy to listen to. Have a listen to the episode for all her wisdom.

You can find more from Stacie Swift here:

Stacie's websiteStacie on InstagramFacebookBuy the Positively Awesome Journal

More teenage parenting inspiration from Helen Wills:

Helen wills is a teen mental health podcaster and blogger at Actually Mummy a resource for midlife parents of teens.

Thank you for listening! Subscribe to the Teenage Kicks podcast to hear new episodes. If you have a suggestion for the podcast please email [email protected].

There are already stories from fabulous guests about difficult things that happened to them as teenagers - including losing a parent, becoming a young carer, and being hospitalised with mental health problems - and how they overcame things to move on with their lives.

You can find more from Helen Wills on parenting teenagers on Instagram and Twitter @iamhelenwills.

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Please note that Helen Wills is not a medical expert, and nothing in the podcast should be taken as medical advice. If you're worried about a teenager, please seek support from a medical professional.

Podcast produced by James Ede at Be Heard production.

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