Nick Mares is the co-founder of Kettle and Fire, the first and only shelf stable, grass fed bone broth on the market. Bone broth is a hot up and coming health food trend which is a nutritious broth that you can drink with numerous health benefits. The company was founded in 2015 and within 4 months they did 7 figures in revenue. Fast forward to 2016 and the company is still growing at a fast rate.    In this episode we discuss: Nick’s family life and the impact that growing up in a house of 9 had on his path as an entrepreneur. Why Nick took a gap year between high school to college and the advice he’d give to others.  How Nick turned a knee injury into the business that would eventually become Kettle and Fire.  Where the name Kettle and Fire came from.  The operational process of how their bone broth is created. The rigorous process it took to manufacture and sell the product.  How they grew the company from 0 to 7 figures so quickly.  What Nick does on a difficult day and how he picks himself up. Nick’s dream that he wants to turn into a reality. For more details on this episode or resources and support on building your business, please visit We have built a community of entrepreneurs from all around the world to help you on your journey.    The podcast is produced by Force Media.