Jenny Mushkin Goldman was 17 years old when a group of anti-abortion protestors ambushed her high school, in the summer of 1999. TEEN PEOPLE magazine was there to capture the scene, and quoted Jenny in their story, which was published in the December 1999/January 2000 issue.

More than two decades later, Jenny shares her thoughts on America's post-Roe future; in a timely examination of protest, radicalization, and the undoing of Roe v. Wade.

Key themes:

- paid family leave
- Election 2016
- feminism and sexism
- art history and contemporary art practice
- young adulthood
- motherhood
- family identity and intergenerational trauma
- reproductive rights
- protest


Learn more about Jenny's curatorial practice on her website:

Find me on, and on Twitter and Instagram at TeenPeoplePod.

Music, audio and effects:

Pixabay (intro music, sound effects)

"Why we're here" Northampton Community Television, CC BY 3.0 < >, via Wikimedia Commons

"Boston Women's March January 21, 2017" Victor Grigas, CC BY 4.0 < >, via Wikimedia Commons

Fog Lake (outro music)

Teen People is recorded in Kingston/Katarokwi, the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and the Huron-Wendat.