Welcome to episode three of Teen People. My name is Anna Soper, and I am a British-Canadian artist, writer, and librarian in Canada.

Today I give you Atiya Jones: funny, outgoing, fashionista. Girl-about-town—until Covid hit—in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Atiya was but a girl in Brooklyn when she worked for Teen People as a Trendspotter—part of a focus group made up of Teen People’s own readers. She appeared in three issues of Teen People, including the one I have, where she was set up on a blind date. (Awkward!) When I contacted her about my podcast she replied, "An interview about one of the greatest periods in my life? Absolutely!"

Atiya is a force of nature with a belly-deep laugh and unshakable self-confidence. Find her online at www.atiyajones.com. Currently, she is producing and selling non-medical masks through her website. Ditch that suspiciously-fibreglassy pleated thing you've been wearing and support an independent artisan from Pittsburgh instead!

Podcast notes:

Find me on Twitter (www.Twitter.com/TeenPeoplePod) and www.annasoper.ca.

Music: © Anna Soper

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