QUICK DIGS! This episode is the first of a new format we're trying over here at Tee Time called 'Quick Digs'. Quick Digs as in shorter episodes and quicker dives into a broader range of topics, aka whatever we feel like talking about that week. This gives us a chance to drop episodes more regularly as well as start to feature some guests on the show (which we will definitely be doing in the coming weeks). For the first episode of Quick Digs, we do a deep dive into the ThriftCon mission statement, how we formed it, and what it means for us as a company. We break it down line by line, word by word and show you how each word was carefully and deliberately chosen. Sounds boring, and maybe it kinda is! But it's important and we love being transparent with our process in the off chance it may help or inspire someone to create something amazing down the road. BONUS: if you listen til the end we give another update as to when and where the next ThriftCon might go down ;)