Digital Dream Labs is a consumer robotics and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) video game company based in Pittsburgh. Their goal is to create games that kids love, while reducing educational inequities from pre-readers to high schoolers.

In 2019, Digital Dream Labs acquired the assets of Anki, makers of the enormously popular “Overdrive” racing game. With over 2 million units sold, they plan to improve and reintroduce the product to throngs of excited fans. January brought the successful close of a $1,000,000 equity funding via Republic.

Digital Dream Labs also used Honeycomb Credit to spin up a revenue share note to quickly accelerate its growth, hire staff and ramp up production. This means that Digital Dream Labs' repayments will be tied to the amount of revenue they generate monthly.

If Digital Dream Labs generates a higher revenue, their monthly repayments will be greater and investors will be repaid more quickly; if the company generates a lower revenue, their repayment will be lesser and investors will be repaid more slowly. If the company fails to repay 1.8x the total amount raised by the end of the term, the remaining balance will become immediately due.

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