Mike Kula stops by our Summer of 50 PGH Tech Stories to talk about a new anonymous COVID-19 contact tracing system for the workplace called Accent.

The Accent device is worn by employees while at work. The only information maintained in the device is the number of that device and whether that device came within 6 feet of another device for more than 5 seconds. Approximately 30 days' history is maintained in the device.

An employee's only responsibility is to wear the device at work and charge it at night. No location or any other information https://four.libsyn.com/content_edit/index/mode/episode#main-social-tabis maintained in the device. In the event an employee has a positive Covid test, an HR employee will download the exposure notification from the device. It will them be HR's responsibility to notify employees who were exposed to that device (and that employee) that they may have been exposed and they need to be tested. No IT support is needed.