Caren Glotfelty is Executive Director of the Allegheny County Parks Foundation. She details Allegheny County's nine parks that cover 12,000 acres of wild and wonderful nature. The Foundation strengthens the health and vibrancy of our community by improving, conserving and restoring the nine Allegheny County parks. Working in partnership with Allegheny County, the Parks Foundation brings together ideas, leadership and resources to make the parks more sustainable and enjoyable for all. The Allegheny County Parks Foundations raises public and private funds from foundations, corporations, state and federal grant programs and individuals to design and implement projects in our parks. We commission and conduct surveys, plans and ecological assessments of our individual parks and park system which guide the strategic development of improvements in all nine county parks. All projects are undertaken in partnership with Allegheny County, and the county matches most private and non-county public funds raised by the Parks Foundation.